Steller sea lions : Present status of studies of migratory ecology, and conflict between fisheries and conservation in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) occur around Hokkaido Island, Japan, and are mixing there with migratory groups came from the Kuril Islands and small islands around Sakhalin Island during October through May and numerous studies have been published on their ecology while in Japanese waters. While the sea lions are in Japanese coastal waters they commonly inflict serious damage to local fisheries, and since 1961, the Hokkaido regional government financially supported their removal to lessen the damage to fisheries. Total number, 22, 481 of the animals were eliminated around Hokkaido, and were main reason for drastic decline of the Kuril Islands population from 20, 000 in the 1960s to 4, 000 in the 1990s. This animal elimination did not contribute to lessen fisheries damage because a conflict between fisheries and the animal feeding came from over-fishing of fisheries resources. The world-wide Steller sea lion population is declining rapidly, resulting in Russia and the United States implementing numerous legal regulations for their conservation. In this review, I discuss the damage to fisheries caused by Steller sea lions in Japan and then introduce some conservation efforts for Steller sea lions in Japan.
- 野生生物保護学会の論文
和田 一雄
和田 一雄
和田 一雄
Wada Kazuo
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Wada Kazuo
Kyoto Univ. Aichi Jpn
Wada Kazuo
Wildlife Conservation Society C
Wada Kazuo
Cooperation Program Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
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- 中国と日本と (1) : キンシコウ事始め
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- 海獣談話会
- 巻頭言
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- 千島列島トド調査紀行--鰭脚類の島々から
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- 6 ゼニガタアザラシの被害をめぐって : 地域社会・水産経済の視点から(自由集会報告,第16回野生生物保護学会・日本哺乳類学会2010年度合同大会)
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- Steller sea lions : Present status of studies of migratory ecology, and conflict between fisheries and conservation in Japan
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- 野生ニホンザルの採食する木本植物
- ゼニガタアザラシの被害をめぐって : 地域社会・水産経済の視点から
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- 1 キンシコウの同一one male unit内におけるメス-アカンボの社会的関係
- 1 キンシコウの出産率に関する研究(X.共同利用研究 2.研究成果)
- D-1 ニホンザルの保全学史に関する研究(2)
- C-3 ニホンザルの保全学史に関する研究(1)
- 資料8 ニホンザルの保全に関する研究(V 共同利用研究 2.研究成果)