- 論文の詳細を見る
Rumen contents (N=90) of sika deer (Cervus nippon) were collected on Shimojima and Kamijima, which together compose the Tsushima Island group, western Japan, in the spring and autumn of 1992 and 1993. Data were analyzed using the point frame method. The dominant food was tree leaves in both seasons; 42.2% and 64.3% in spring and autumn, respectively, for the Shimojima population and 63.1% in autumn for the Kamijima population. As for the Shimojima population, deciduous tree leaves comprised less of rumen contents in spring (3.4%) than in autumn (17.4%). In autumn, occurrence of evergreen tree leaves was the highest among tree leaves found in the Shimojima population, while the highest occurrence was of deciduous tree leaves for the Kamijima population. Tree species available to the deer were classified into the following four groups; group A which is composed of 13 families including 17 species such as Castanopsis sieboldii was eaten and abundant, group B which is composed of 8 families including 8 species such as Swida macrophylla was preferred but less available, group C was abundant but uneaten, and group D was scarce and uneaten.
- 野生生物保護学会の論文
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- O17) ニホンテンの密度指標 3 手法試案 : INTGEP, ビームライト, 糞密度(口頭発表, 野生生物保護学会 2002 年大会大会報告 : 講演要旨)
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- マダガスカル旅行記(3)(馬達加斯加見聞録)
- 馬達加斯加見聞録 : マダガスカル旅行記(2)(好評連載,ぶるぶる冬号)
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- 生物多様性からのアプローチ : シカ生息密度と植物, 齧歯類, 鳥類の生育・生息状況との関係
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- ツシマジカの食性と食物選択性
- 新春鼎談・2008 : 敷田麻実(野生生物保護学会会長)×須田知樹(野生生物保護学会事務局長)×草刈秀紀(ワイルドライフ・フォーラム編集長)(特集)
- 宮城県金華山島におけるブナ豊作後のヒメネズミ個体数変化
- Effects of sika deer on forest mice in evergreen broad-leaved forests on the Tsushima Islands, Japan
- The effects of sika deer on the structure and composition of the forests on the Tsushima Islands
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