California州産Sequoia sempervirens実生稚樹の形質
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The morphological characters of the Sequoia sempervireles seedlings obtained from seeds were investigated. The seeds introduced from California were sown in the spring of 1951, and 15 seedling trees were examined in the autumn of 1953. The characters investigated were height of the tree, diameter of the stem, diameter of the crown, distance between the successive branches on the stem, angle of branches with the stem, Iengti:L Of the branches, Iength of inter-node on the sub-branches, diameter of the branches etc., and at the same time, the height of the tree was measured and the crown color was examined in the winter of 1954. Table I shows the results of investigation. It was considered that there might be differences of growth due to seed activity in seedling stages but TOYAMA (:1948) obseived that these were very small at 2 year old seedlings of Cryptomeria japauica D. DoN. Variations in the growth in this experiment, however, were remarkable. i[ndividual trees showed the differences in the height of seedling trees. The variation of the diameter of stem was wide. The difference of the diameter of crown among individuals was large. And. the correlation between the height of seedling and the stem diameter was high. The tree forin (diameter of crown / height of tree x 100) was divided into three types ; the pyramid type, the cone type and the middle type. The change of ctown color in the autumn and winter was not simple, the discolorizing individuals became brown and the remainder stayed green, and variations in the color change among individuals were large. No. 4 had grown vigorously until the summer of 1954, but the growth ,of top stopped in the autumn of the same year. This characteristic was a flaw of this species.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1958-03-15
- Acacia mollissimaの育種学的研究II : 耐寒性と種子莢の成熟期との相関について
- California州産Sequoia sempervirensの実生稚樹の形質(II)
- California州産Sequoia sempervirens実生稚樹の形質
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- クロマツ多胚実生の染色体数
- Acacia mollissimaの育種学的研究(I) : 耐寒性個体の選拔