禾穀類の幼胚移植に関する研究III. : 催花性を異にする小麦品種間における移植幼胚の催花性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Using eight varieties of wheat, which are classified into three major groups of different earing habit (See Tabe 1), a number of transplantings of immature embryos into deyeloping seeds was carried out. An excised immature embryo of a foreign or its owh variety was inserted into the endosperm of a developing seed as depicted in Fig. 1., thus obtaining the matured viable seeds, each with two embryos, one of which is the proper and the other the transplanted. The author succeeded in raising a large number of such artificial twin seeds, eacb of which consists of two embryos of different varieta.1 nature or of the same. The pairs of plants were grown up from a number of such twin seeds, and their flowering responses were examirLed, making comparisons within each pair of sister plants as well as among the dlfferent pairs derived from various varietal combinations (See Table 3). 2. There can not be noticed any differences among the earing responses of the plants grown up from the transplanted embryos which, have the same genetic constitution but matured under different endospermous condition of the foreign varieties. In other words, those plants develop a quite similar number of leaves on their main stem before the ear-emergence, resuiting in neither promoting nor delaying the anthesis. The plants grown up from proper intact embryos of those twins show also quite similar situation in their earing behaviour, i. e., an additional transplanting of a foreign embryo having different earing habit into the developing seed does not exert any discernible influence on the earing character of the proper intact ernbryo.
- 1957-10-25
- 禾穀類の幼胚移植に関する研究 : V. 移植幼胚の胚期の生長について
- 禾穀類の幼胚移植に関する研究 : VI. 移植幼胚の器官の分化について
- 禾穀類の幼胚移植に関する研究III. : 催花性を異にする小麦品種間における移植幼胚の催花性について
- 胚移植法による種子老化に関する研究 : 第II報 加熱した乾燥小麦種子胚乳の活力について
- 禾穀類の幼胚移植に関する研究 : II.小麦の移植胚の発芽