- 論文の詳細を見る
It is generally assumed that the strains oi Senshu-ki onion(this variety is derived from Yellow Danvers and widely cultivated in fall-sowing resion of Ja-pan) produced in some districts such as Fnkushima, ,Niigata and Naga.no Prefec'tures are inferior as comjared with so called "home " strains. This 'study has been undertaken to determine the relative merits of the strains collected from various seed groiving destricts and to elucidate the causes of differences, if a'ny, amon'g their abilities. Extensive tests were carried out, on the Horticulttiral Stations of N. ipomiya and Kurume during 1946-47, 1948 ~ 49 and 1945-50, and the following, results were obtained . Most of the " home " strains which were produced in Osaka arid Wakayama were excellent, and some of strains produced in other districts were also excellent, but there were sorb;e fair or poor strains in the " foreign " stQcks produced in other districts, especially in "Fnkushima, Niigata and Nagano. In such strains; yield is generally low and percentage of premature bolting is rather high. ' Sensus on seed growing systems revealed that the causes how those poor strains have been deve-loped were as follows : in such districts, mother bulbs used for seed production were of low grade and v~ere not str.ictly selectd,' and there were chan -ces of crossing between inferior strains nearby grown, if mother bulbs were of high grade. If proper system of seed growing is applyed, it may be possible that excellent strains are ~roduced bn such notorious dlstricts, as~ a few of them proved to be so.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1951-11-30