短期試験法による長期毒性の予測 (<ワークショップ>長期毒性評価とその問題点)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本トキシコロジー学会の論文
- 1987-11-25
Sofuni Toshio
Div. Genetics And Mutagenesis Natl. Inst. Of Health Sciences
石館 基
Sofuni Toshio
Div. Of Mutagenesis Biol. Safety Res. Center Nat. Inst. Of Hygien. Sci.
- No induction of interchromosomal recombination by X-ray on thymidine kinase gene in human lymphoblast TK6 and its derivative cells
- 2. JCRB細胞バンクの設立と品質管理の現状(昭和61年度第32回凍結及び乾燥研究会研究報告)
- X-Irradiation Induces Up-regulation of ATM Gene Expression in Wild-type Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines, but Not in Their Heterozygous or Homozygous Ataxia-telangiectasia Counterparts
- Mitochondrial DNA Deletion in Human CelLB Exposed to Radiation.
- Molecular analysis of 4 primary tumors in one individual who received Thorotrast
- Evaluation of possible population bias among high-dose atomic-bomb survivors in the frequency of the HLA Class II gene types.
- Life-span of human memory T cells estimated by T-cell receptor mutations induced by radiation exposure.
- Detection of Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene product. Yuko
- Effect of ionizing radiation on mitochondrial memebrance potential in human peripheral lymphocyte subpopulations.
- Antimutagenic structural modification of quinoline assessed by an in vivo mutagenicity assay.
- 食品の中の発癌物質, 変異原物質
- Activation of the RET oncogene in childhood thyroid cancers from the Chernobyl area.
- Activated RET Oncogene in Thyroid Cancer of Children Residing in Area Contaminated by the Chernobyl Accident
- Detection of Hepatis B Virus in Liver Cancer among Atomic-bomb Survivors
- A Hypothesis on Radiation-Induced Immunity Polarization and Its Relation to Disease Development in Atomic-Bomb Survivors
- Effect of Atomic-Bomb Radiation on Cytokine and Immunoglobulin levels
- Histological and Molecular Changes by X-irradiation in Human Thyroid Tissues Transplanted into SCID mice
- Molecular Analysis of p53 Gene Mutations in Skin Cancers of the A-bomb Survivors.
- A Dose Dependent Increase in the Frequency of p53 Mutations in Hepatocellular Carcinomas of the Atomic Bomb Survivors.
- Radiation induced oncogene rearrangements
- Spontaneous and X-radiation induced genetic instability at the TCR gene is dependent on the type of p53 mutation
- Search for the BCR-ABL Gene in the Peripheral Blood of A-bomb Survivors and Radioiherapeutic Patients
- The SCID-hu Mouse Model for Human Radiation Biology : Establishing an Epilation Model
- Flow Cytometric Detection of Mouse T Cells Lacking Expression of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigen Class I Allele
- Mutagenicity Tests Using Cultured Human Cells : Application of Gene Mutation Assay in Thymidine Kinase (tk) Gene of A Human Lymphoid Cell Line (Tk6)
- Reconstruction of the human hematolymphoid system in NOD/SCID-hu mice.
- Participation of the mitochondrial genome in X-ray induced reproductive death and apoptosis.
- Involvement of reactive oxygen and Bcl-2 in radiation-induced apoptosis.
- Illegitimate Recombination Leading to Genetic Instability in p53-mutant Human Lymphoblastoid cells
- Analysis of gene mutations in p53 defective WTK-1 cells
- Chromosome Analysis of Lymphocytes from Cancer Patients given X-ray Therapy by FISH and Calculation of Equivalent Exposure Doses
- 短期試験法による長期毒性の予測 (長期毒性評価とその問題点)
- 生活関連化学物質に関する変異原性試験の現状
- 哺乳動物細胞を用いる変異原性試験 : 発癌性・遺伝毒性物質の検索