抗高血圧剤, グアナベンツの生殖毒性に関する研究 (第4報) : ウサギでの器官形成期投与試験
- 論文の詳細を見る
Guanabenz (WY-8678) was given to pregnant rabbits to examine its effects on the dams and their fetuses. The drug was adimistered orally to rabbits at does of 10; 8, 5 and 1mg/kg/day from the 6th to 18th days of gestation. The vehicle used was 5%-Arabic Gum at dose level of 10 ml/kg, and a control experiment where only the vehicle was administered was also conducted. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Concerning the effects on the dams, the symptoms of decrease in spontaneous movement and sedation were observed at 10mg/kg. However, mean body weight, food consumption, and organ weight were not influenced by Guanabenz. 2. In the observation of the fetuses, no difference was observed among groups in the number of corpora lutea, the number of implantations, implantation rate, the number of resorption, the number of dead fetuses, the number of live fetuses, sex ratio, mean body weight of the fetuses, mean body length of the fetuses, and mean placenta weight of the fetuses. 3. No difference was observed among groups regarding external malformations, visceral malformations, visceral malformations, skeletal variations and degree of ossification in the fetuses. From these results, it is concluded that Guanabenz has no teratogenic potential in pregnant rabbits and on effect no fetuses at doses of 8 mg/kg or lower.
- 日本トキシコロジー学会の論文
- 1982-12-25
竹内 幸一
橋本 孝雄
橋本 孝雄
Pharmacology Meiji College Of Pharmacy
赤塚 謙一
柳沢 美子
明治薬科大学 第1薬物学教室
竹内 幸一
竹内 幸一
Department Of Pharmacology Meiji College Of Pharmacy
橋本 孝雄
竹内 幸一
明治薬科大学大学院 臨床薬理学教室
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