Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles Derived from Downward-Looking GPS Occultation Data (2.Space-Borne GPS Meteorology and Related Techniques)
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Downward-looking (DL) Global Positioning System (GPS) occultation experiments from the top of Mt. Fuji were carried out as a joint project between Kyoto University, Meteorological Research Institute in Japan, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the U.S.A. From July 10 to September 25, 2001, in order to obtain temperature, water vapor and pressure profiles near the Earth's surface. A TurboRogue SNR-8000 GPS receiver and a choke ring antenna were installed at the Mt. Fuji weather station located at an altitude of about 3.8 km. Applying an Abel inversion, these DL observations can provide refractivity profiles over an area south of Mt. Fuji. This paper shows temperature, relative humidity, and pressure profiles derived from these refractivity profiles using a one-dimensional variational technique (ID-Var). The derived profiles show agreement with the Mt. Fuji weather station observations within 1.7℃, 1.2%, and 1.0 hPa at the receiver altitude.
- 社団法人日本気象学会の論文
- 2004-03-25
SHOJI Yoshinori
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
TSUDA Toshitaka
Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University
Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University
Shoji Yoshinori
Meteorological Res. Inst.
Shoji Yoshinori
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Aoyama Yuichi
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Aoyama Yuichi
Radio Center For Space And Atmosphere Kyoto University
Numerical Prediction Division, Japan Meteorological Agency
Tsuda Toshitaka
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Tsuda T
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Tsuda Toshitaka
Radio Science Center For Space And Atmosphere Kyoto Univ.
Mousa A
National Research Institute Of Astronomy And Geophysics
MOUSA Ashraf
Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University
Aoyama Y
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Nakamura Hajime
Numerical Prediction Division Japan Meteorological Agency
Tsuda Toshitaka
Radio Atmospheric Science Center Kyoto University
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