Questionnaire survey on cardiac electrophysiology examination in safety pharmacology studies.(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(SAFETY PHARMACOLOGY)
Yamamoto Keiji
Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee Drug Evaluation Committee Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Ass
SAITO Mamoru
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) QT PRODACT
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) QT PRODACT
Saito Mamoru
Drug Safety Research Laboratories Eisai Co. Ltd.
Nakazawa Takahiro
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Drug Evaluation Committee, Non-clinical Evaluation S
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
Tsukamoto Osamu
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association Drug Evaluation Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, Drug evaluation, Non-Clinical Evaluation subcommittee
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, Drug evaluation, Non-Clinical Evaluation subcommittee
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, Drug evaluation, Non-Clinical Evaluation subcommittee
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, Drug evaluation, Non-Clinical Evaluation subcommittee
KASAI Chieko
Drug Safety Research Laboratories, Astellas Pharma Inc.
Nakazawa Takahiro
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Drug Evaluation Committee Non-clinical Evaluation Sub
Nakazawa Takahiro
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association Drug Evaluation Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee
Ozaki Syuji
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association Drug Evaluation Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee
Kasai Chieko
Drug Safety Research Laboratories Astellas Pharma Inc.
Kasai Chieko
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (jpma) Qt Prodact
Kii Yoshihide
Safety Research Laboratories Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co. Ltd.
Yamada Kiyoshi
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories Toray Industries Inc.
Uchida Takeshi
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association Drug Evaluation Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee
Matsuzawa Toshiaki
Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee Drug Evaluation Committee Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers As
Matsuzawa Toshiaki
Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee Drug Evaluation Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
Matsuzawa Toshiaki
Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee Drug Evaluation Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
Nakatsuji Katsuyoshi
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association Drug Evaluation Non-clinical Evaluation Subcommittee
- The predictivity of preliminary embryo-fetal development (EFD) studies : results of a retrospective survey in Japanese pharmaceutical companies
- P8-20 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 14) Safety Margins of Drug-Induced QT Interval Prolongation: Comparison of Non-Clinical Animal Models and Clinical Data(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESE
- QT PRODACT : Sensitivity and Specificity of the Canine Telemetry Assay for Detecting Drug-Induced QT Interval Prolongation
- Safety assessment of biopharmaceuticals : Japanese perspective on ICH S6 guideline maintenance
- Questionnaire survey of application in S7A Safety Pharmacology Guideline (Part 2) : Point of GLP (STATISTICAL METHODS) (GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION) (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting)
- Questionnaire survey of application in S7A Safety Pharmacology Guideline (Part 1) : Point of experimental items (STATISTICAL METHODS) (GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION) (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting)
- P8-02 Effects of E-4031 and Verapamil on electrocardiogram and blood pressure in dogs and Monkeys(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- Survey of Carcinogenicity Studies of the Pharmaceuticals in Rodents
- A Comparision of the Results of Rat and Mouse Carcinogenicity Studies Conducted on Pharmaceuticals
- Questionnaire survey on cardiac electrophysiology examination in safety pharmacology studies.(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(SAFETY PHARMACOLOGY)
- 3B-14 A Survey of Statistical Analysis Methods of Numerical Data in Repeated Dose Toxicity Studies in Europe and U.S.
- P8-49 Questionnaire Survey of GLP Operation for S7A Safety Pharmacology Study in Japanese and Foreign CROs(BLOOD/TOXICOKINETICS/OTHERS-2)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- QT PRODACT : Comparison of Non-clinical Studies for Drug-Induced Delay in Ventricular Repolarization and Their Role in Safety Evaluation in Humans
- QT PRODACT : In Vivo QT Assay With a Conscious Monkey for Assessment of the Potential for Drug-Induced QT Interval Prolongation
- QT PRODACT : In Vivo QT Assay in Anesthetized Dog for Detecting the Potential for QT Interval Prolongation by Human Pharmaceuticals
- QT PRODACT : In Vivo QT Assay in the Conscious Dog for Assessing the Potential for QT Interval Prolongation by Human Pharmaceuticals
- QT PRODACT : Evaluation of the Potential of Compounds to Cause QT Interval Prolongation by Action Potential Assays Using Guinea-Pig Papillary Muscles
- QT PRODACT : Inter- and Intra-facility Variability of the Action Potential Assay Using Isolated Guinea-Pig Papillary Muscles
- QT PRODACT : A Multi-site Study of In Vitro Action Potential Assays on 21 Compounds in Isolated Guinea-Pig Papillary Muscles
- P8-19 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 13) Species-Difference in Dose-Response Relationship of Drug-Induced QT Interval Prolongation(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of th
- P8-18 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 12) QT prolongation: Comparison of the sensitivity between canine telemetry assay and isoflurane-anesthetized model(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTAT
- P8-17 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 11) Evaluation of the drug-induced QT interval change using the individual QT-RR interval relationship in telemetered dogs(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PR
- P8-16 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 10) Sensitivity to detect drug-induced changes in QT interval for monkey telemetry assay with individual QT-RR correction(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRE
- P8-15 QT prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 9) Individual QT-RR correction and sensitivity to detect drug-induced changes in QT interval for canine telemetry assay(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(
- P8-14 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 8) Dose (concentration) response analysis of drug-induced QT interval prolongation in anesthetized dogs(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceed
- P8-13 QT interval prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 7) Dose (concentration)-response analysis of drug-induced QT interval prolongation in conscious monkeys(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceed
- P8-12 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 6) Dose (concentration)-response analysis of drug-induced QT interval prolongation in conscious dogs(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceeding
- P8-11 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 5) Standard protocol and inter-facility differences in electrocardiographic determination in anesthetized dogs(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(
- P8-10 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 4) Inter-facility Differences in Electrocardiographic and Hemodynamic Parameters in Telemetered Monkeys(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceed
- P8-09 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 3) Inter-facility Differences in Electrocardiograhic and Hemodynamic Parameters in Telemetered Dogs(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceedings
- O-09 No-Observed Adverse Effect Level(NOAEL) : Judging Criteria and Purpose in Safety Assessment of Pharmaceuticals(STATISTICAL AND TEST METHODS/GENERAL TOXICITY)(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- O-08 Questionnaire Survey on No Observed Adverse Effect Level(2) : Regulatory Comments and Company(STATISTICAL AND TEST METHODS/GENERAL TOXICITY)(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- O-07 Questionnaire Survey on No Observed Adverse Effect Level(1) : Concept of NOAEL(STATISTICAL AND TEST METHODS/GENERAL TOXICITY)(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- Survey of pharmacology study conduct using outside sources in pharmaceutical companies in Japan.(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : CONSIDERATION OF OUTSOURCINGS AND MONITORING IN NON-CLINICAL STUDY(CURRENT SURVEY))
- Study Monitor : The Surveillance of Outsourced Non-Clinical Studies : Draft Report, Final Report, Archives, and Quality Assurance(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : CONSIDERATION OF OUTSOURCINGS AND MONITORING IN NON-CLINICAL STUDY(CUR
- Study monitor : the Surveillance of Outsourced Non-Clinical Studies (Reproductive Studies,Pathology and Toxicokinetics).(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : CONSIDERATION OF OUTSOURCINGS AND MONITORING IN NON-CLINICAL STUDY(CURRENT SURV
- Study Monitor. The Surveillance of Outsourced Non-Clinical Studies : Testing facility checking, Protocol, Formulation and In-life phase(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : CONSIDERATION OF OUTSOURCINGS AND MONITORING IN NON-CLINICAL STU
- Study Monitor. Introduction of the Surveillance for Outsourcing Non-Clinical Studies and Summary of Toxicology.(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : CONSIDERATION OF OUTSOURCINGS AND MONITORING IN NON-CLINICAL STUDY(CURRENT SURVEY))
- P8-07 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 1) Standard Protocol, and Inter- and Intra-Facility Differences in APD Assay Using Isolated Guinea Pig Papillary Muscles(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRES
- P8-48 Questionnaire Survey about GLP Requirements for Safety Pharmacology(BLOOD/TOXICOKINETICS/OTHERS-2)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- P8-21 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 15) Relationship of pharmacokinetics and QT prolongation by various therapeutic agents: Telemetry study in dogs and monkeys(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER P
- P8-08 QT Interval Prolongation : Project for Database Construction, 2) The Usefulness of APD Study in Isolated Guinea Pig Papillary Muscles-Comparison with hERG study and canine Purkinje fiber APD study(CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-2/ACTIVE OXYGEN)(GENERAL SESSION
- Summary of Questionnaire Surveys of Toxicokinetics in Pharmaceutical Industries in Japan.(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(MINI SYMPOSIUM : STRATEGIC TOXICOKINETICS ON DRUG DISCOVERY(CURRENT SURVEY))
- Questionnaire survey of methodologies on respiration systems in safety pharmacological studies (TEST METHODS) (GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION) (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting)
- Evaluation of cardiovascular safety pharmacology study using new data acquisition and real time data analyzing system (HEM).
- P11-13 Questionnaire Survey of Functional Observational Battery in Domestic and Foreign Non-clinical Contract Research Organization.
- O10-18 Questionnaire Survey of Functional Observational Battery in Domestic and Foreign Non-clinical Contract Research Organization.
- QT PRODACT : Inter-facility Variability in Electrocardiographic and Hemodynamic Parameters in Conscious Dogs and Monkeys
- The screening test to evaluate QT prolongation(Toxicity Screening Strategy in Early Stage Drug Development : Current Situation and Perspective, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)