ネットワークを利用した簡便, 迅速な外来患者用医薬品説明文書作成について
- 論文の詳細を見る
We developed a software program with the aid of a personal computer, which enables the preparation of information sheets regarding drugs prescribed for out-patients by using a commercially available software package (FileMaker Pro). Guest computers can use this program simultaneously if they are connected with TCP/IP through a local area network (LAN). The program consists of two databases : one is for the drugs kept in the pharmacy (drug database) and the other is for the drugs prescribed for individual patients (patient database). The former contains information such as the name, color image, actions, usage, dosage, precautions and the main side eftects of each drug. Using a relational function with FileMaker Pro software enables the user to transfer drug information data automatically into the patient database. Data on any drug can be directly obtained from the drug database into the patient database on an information sheet by inputting the first three letters of the drug's name. This rapidly provides full information about not only the mechanism of action of any drug, but also about any possible side effects and drugs prescribed by another hospital.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1998-06-10
和泉 博之
中村 郁子
和泉 博之
東北大 歯
和泉 博之
中村 郁子
高橋 将喜
和泉 博之
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