- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the influence of light on the quality of commercial nifedipine preparations, the light of fluorescent lamp (FL-1.5 SW-G, Hitachi, 860 lux) was irradiated to 3 kinds of tablets and 3 kinds of capsules at a distance of 30 cm from the beam source and then the content of nifedipine was determined every week over 4 weeks by high performance liquid chromatography under the light of infrared lamp. This irradiation was also carried out to pure and fine crystal of nifedipine in a test tube and then the light-degradation product was identified with infrared spectrophotometer.The results were as follows: 1) In the case of irradiation to the preparations with PTP package, the contents of nifedipine of all the preparations tested remained unchanged after 2 weeks, but those of preparation C(tablet) and E(capsule) decreased after 4 weekes. 2) In the case of irradiation to the preparations without PTP package, a decrease in the content of nifedipine was observed in preparations C and E after a week and in all the preparations tested after 3 weeks, although the decrease varied. 3) In the case of irradication to the pure and fine crystals, the content of nifedipine[4-(2'-nitrophenyl)-2, 6-dimethyl-3,5-dimethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydro-pyridine]decreased gradually with time and changed completely into 4-(2'-nitrosphenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dimethoxycarbonyl-pyridine upon exposure to the light for 7 days.In order to investigate the influence of light on the quality of commercial nifedipine preparations, the light of fluorescent lamp (FL-1.5 SW-G, Hitachi, 860 lux) was irradiated to 3 kinds of tablets and 3 kinds of capsules at a distance of 30 cm from the beam source and then the content of nifedipine was determined every week over 4 weeks by high performance liquid chromatography under the light of infrared lamp. This irradiation was also carried out to pure and fine crystal of nifedipine in a test tube and then the light-degradation product was identified with infrared spectrophotometer. The results were as follows: 1) In the case of irradiation to the preparations with PTP package, the contents of nifedipine of all the preparations tested remained unchanged after 2 weeks, but those of preparation C (tablet) and E (capsule) decreased after 4 weeks. 2) In the case of irradiation to the preparations without PTP package, a decrease in the content of nifedipine was observed in preparations C and E after a week and in all the preparations tested after 3 weeks, although the decrease varied. 3) In the case of irradiation to the pure and fine crystals, the content of nifedipine[4-(2'-nitrophenyl)-2, 6-dimethyl-3,5-dimethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydro-pyridine]decreased gradually with time and changed completely into 4-(2'-nitrosphenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dimethoxycarbonyl-pyridine upon exposure to the light for 7 days.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1984-06-20
曽根 賢
下山 律子
照井 聖比古
曽根 賢
藤田 昂
藤田 昂
照井 聖比古
- ニ, 三抗不整脈剤のマウス肝Cholinesterase活性および血球数に及ぼす影響
- 3-(3,5-Dichlorophenyl)-5,5-Dimethyloxazolidine-Dione-2,4(Sclex)の家兎経皮吸収試験 : 予報
- Methyl N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (Swep)の亜急性毒性に関する実験的研究
- 34) 向精神薬投与後にQT延長,ST上昇オルタナンスおよび多形性心室頻拍を呈した心停止蘇生の1例
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- 3-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropyloxy-phenyl)-△^4-5-(tert-butyl)1,3,4-oxadiazoline-2-oneの急性及び亜慢性毒性試験(第1報)
- P-527 ISO9001 : 2000 認証取得に向けて
- FMC 35001 (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl 〔(dibutylamino) thio〕methyl carbamate)の一般薬理作用
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- V Tetracycline系抗生物質と健胃薬との併用に関する研究(薬物相互作用に関する研究)
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- 本院の入院患者に使用された薬剤の実態調査
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- P1-437 ARBの物理化学的特性に関する文献的考察を踏まえた高血圧治療剤としてのARBの総合的評価(医薬品情報・データベース,ポスター,一般演題,岐路に立つ医療〜千年紀の目覚め〜よみがえれ!ニッポン!薬の改革は我らが手で!)
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