Varietal Difference of Polishing Characteristics and Suitability for Sake Brewing in "Hattan-Type Varieties" of Rice Suitable for Brewing Original Hiroshima Sake(Post Harvest Physiology)
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By successive crossing using Hattan-type varieties originating from "Hattanso" as a parent, "Hattan-type varieties" of rice suitable for brewing the original Hiroshima sake have been bred. The varieties were improved inheriting the flavor of Hattan-type sake, and Hattan-nishiki No.1 and No.2 were bred in 1984. However, neither variety was suitable for brewing high-grade sake such as Ginjoshu and Daiginjoshu, which require high-degree polishing of rice grains. Therefore, their parent cultivar, Hattan No.35, is attracting attention for the production of high-grade sake. We have been trying to breed a new variety, which retains the sake-brewing suitability of Hattan-type varieties but can endure high-degree polishing. In this study, to establish a guideline for further breeding, we examined the polishing characteristics and suitability for sake brewing of six Hattan-type varieties derived from Hattanso. In the process of breeding of "Hattan-type varieties" of rice, grain size, white-core size and % of white-core grains increased resulting in an increased suitability for sake brewing, such as water absorptivity and digestibility, in Hattan No.35, Hattan-nishiki No.1 and Hattan-nishiki No.2. However, Hattan-nishiki No.1 and No.2 had many ellipsoidal-white-cores with large white tissue, which cause the grains to be easily broken during high-degree polishing. On the other hand, Hattan No.35, having grains with relatively many lined-white-cores with small white tissue, was superior for high-degree polishing. In the future, breeding of a new variety, which has the superior cultivation characteristics of Hattan-nishiki No.1 and No.2, but with improved white-core characteristics, is expected.
- 日本作物学会の論文
School of Bioresources, Hiroshioma Prefectural University
猪谷 富雄
Tsuchiya Takao
Hiroshima Agricultural Extension Center
Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute Food Technology Research Center
Tamaki Masahiko
School of Bioresources, Hiroshima Prefectural University
Tamaki Masahiko
School Of Bioresources Hiroshima Prefectural University
Itani Tomio
School Of Bioresources Hiroshima Prefectural University
National Research Institute of Brewing
Tamaki Masahiko
Fac. Of Agriculture Meiji Univ.
Kihara Rie
School of Bioresources, Hiroshima Prefectural University
Katsuba Zennosuke
Hiroshima Prefecture Agriculture Research Center
Suenari Kazuo
Hiroshima Prefectural Food Technology Research Center
Itani Tomio
Fac. Of Life And Environmental Sciences Prefectural Univ. Of Hiroshima
Kihara Rie
School Of Bioresources Hiroshima Prefectural University
Katsuba Zennosuke
Hiroshima Prefecture Agriculature Research Center
Matsumoto Hideyuki
Hiroshima Prefectural Food Technology Research Center
猪谷 富雄
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