異業種企業,同業種企業,顧客企業における企業間関係の流動化と関係構築 : 顧客の多面性への対応と企業相互依存による複眼的経営の研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is studied about the mobilization of the relationship between enterprises and theconstruction of the relationship between enterprises. The following conclusions were reached.(1) The broadcasting and telecommunications industries are competing for leadership. Anotherexample of competing technologies is that among fuel-cell and electric-motor developers. Insimilar fashion, several diverse industries, such as those involved in electro-mechanics,chemicals, cosmetics, vehicle manufacturing, gas production, and medicine, are all competingfor nanotechnology advantages. All such industries are in serious competition with oneanother in Japan.(2) The cooperation of companies conducting different types of businesses is currently quiteactive. Japanese convenience stores have used cooperation among diverse enterprises totheir advantage.(3) Reverse engineering of new products and patent analysis are effective means of obtainingcompetitive information. Vendors of raw material and equipment, wholesalers, trading andcarrying companies, and warehouse businesses leak important information obtained fromtheir customers.(4) For successful product development, it is necessary to observe the customers as well as thecompetitors. In other words, the competitors are friends for successful product development.It is very necessary to listen to not only customer's voice but also the customer's voice ofthe customer.(5) An enterprise can build a relationship with other enterprises on the basis of the idea ofinterdependence.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2005-07-20
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