- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiments were carried out to determine the behavior of heavy metals contained in the domestic sewage sludge thrown onto the soil surface. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1)Domestic sewage sludge contained 0.25-0.30 kg kg^<-1> of organic matter as total carbon. The average value of Cd content was 3.4 mg kg^<-1> and Cu and Zn were more than 1000 mg kg^<-1>. 2)The solubility of heavy metals in the sewage sludge in acid solution was in the order Zn>Pb>Cd>Cu, and 65% of total Zn was the acid-soluble form. The water-solubility of heavy metals was found to be Dd>Zn>Pb=Cu. Cadmium was the most soluble element among the four elements, and more than 5% of total Cd was dissolved. 3)The proportion of the acid-soluble fraction of the metals increased with the decomposition of organic matter in the sewage sludge. 4)The acid-soluble amount of heavy metals in the soils was in the order Cd>Pb>Zn=Cu. Acid-soluble Zn was less than 10% of total Zn, indicating that the form of Zn in the soil was different from that of the sewage sludge. 5)The vertical distribution survey of heavy metals in the soil profile indicated that dissolved heavy metals from sewage sludge were not adsorbed in the layer of sandy soil but were sdsorbed and accumulated in the layer of clay soil. 6)About 85% of the organic matter in the sewage sludge amended onto the soil surface disappeared in 75 days, and 50% of Pb, 70% of Cu, and 70-95% of Zn and Cd disappeared during same period.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1996-02-05
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