- 論文の詳細を見る
To evaluate the chemical transformation of Cu and Zn in swine feces with composting, the rate of their chemical forms was compared before and after composting with swine feces composts of chaff, rice bran and sawdust. The movement of Cu and Zn to plant was then examined. Water-soluble and 0.1 M HCl-soluble forms of Cu and Zn, especially water-soluble Zn to a remarkable extent, were increased. The availability of Cu and Zn was caused by the mineralization of organic Cu and Zn in swine feces. However, the formation of available Cu and Zn by composting did not promote their movement to plant by standard application of the compost (20 Mg ha^<-1>). In soil, they were unavailable again. In the case of heavy application (40 Mg ha^<-1>), the movement of Zn to plant tended to be promoted, because the Zn content of plant leaf after applying the swine composts was more than that before applying composts. For the prevention of plant pollution by heavy metals from swine feces and their composts, we should firmly restrict the addition of inorganic Cu and Zn to blended feeds, and should reconsider the application of swine feces and composts to determine better uses of them.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1999-02-05
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宇都宮大学 農学部
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