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To prevent nutrient loss which results from draining flooded water on paddy fields for transplantation and to confirm the suitable time between puddling and drainage, the daily changes in some of the nutrients in flooded water were investigated on a paddy field with different fertilizer applications, such as the amount of chemical fertilizer and the type of organic matter. These results are summarized as follows. The concentration of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus in the flooded water on the paddy field decreased as the days after puddling increased. Four days after puddling, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus in the flooded water falls to slightly under ordinary fertilizer levels (60 kg N ha^<-1>, 80 kg P_2O_5 ha^<-1> and 80 kg K_2 O ha^<-1>). On the paddy field to which 80 kg N ha^<-1> was applied, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the flooded water 6 d after puddling was more than 4 mg L^<-1>. The concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the flooded water on the paddy field to which 80 kg N ha^<-1> was applied, was always more than two times higher than that of 60 kg N ha^<-1> 6 d after puddling. The concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the flooded water on a paddy field to which rice straw or rice straw manure was applied decreased rapidly 2-3 d after puddling. Therefore, from 3 to 6 d after puddling, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the flooded water on the paddy field to which rice straw or rice straw manure was applied was obviously less than chemical fertilizer only. On the paddy field to which rice straw or rice straw manure was applied, suspended solids in the flooded water increased by the propagation of blue-green algae forming water bloom 5 d after puddling. When blue-green algae propagated, the concentration of Ca^<2+> and Mg^<2+> in the flooded water decreased distinctly. These results suggest that 80 kg N ha^<-1> and above as basal fertilizer is unsuitable for less nutrient loss. Moreover, under the fertilizer levels of 60 kg N ha^<-1> and 80 kg P_2O_5 ha^<-1>, it is necessary to keep flooding on paddy field for 4 d after puddling.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 2000-12-05
佐藤 紀男
佐藤 紀男
田口 明広
田口 明広
佐藤 紀男
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