作物生育に対する珪酸の影響(第五報) : 水稲生育に対する耕土の深浅と珪酸施用の効果に就て
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In a series of pots of following dimentions, with following depthes of soil, fertilizer and silica supply, rice plants were raised, and the effects of silica were studied. Dimensions of pots, depths and weights of soil, and fertilizer supplied.[table]The results can be summarized as follows; 1. The yields of grain and straw increased with soil depth. 2. The ratio of fertility, the ratio of the numbers of perfect grains to those of the total grains, and the silica contents in the plants increased and the brown spots on the surface of hulld grains decreased with soil depth. 3. The yields of grain and straw, both from the silica supplied and unsupplied pots, inercased with soil depth, but for the same depth of soil the yield of grains from the former was greater than that from the latter. 4. As the result of silica supply, the ratio of fertility, the ratio of the numbers of perfect grains to those of the total grains, and the silica contents in the plants, greatly increased, and the brown spots on the surface of hulld grains decreased. 5. Above effects of silica on the growth of rice plants decreased with soil depth. The yield and its increment due to silica supply were as follows. Effect of silica supply on the crop yield of rice plant.[table]
- 一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1937-12-10
- 水稲に対する有機質肥料及無機質肥料の連用と其生育収量に及ぼす影響に就て
- 有機質肥料及び無機質肥料連用跡地に於いて珪酸施用の水稲生育に及ぼす影響
- 硝酸アンモニアの水稲に対する肥効に就いて
- 作物生育に対する珪酸の影響(第六報) : 水稲生育に対する珪酸と窒素及び燐酸との関係
- 作物生育に対する珪酸の影響(第五報) : 水稲生育に対する耕土の深浅と珪酸施用の効果に就て
- 水稲生育に対する耕土の深浅と珪酸施用の効果に就いて(西日本支部第一回講演会講演要旨)
- 水稲の珪酸吸収量に及ぼす堆肥の影響に就て
- 水稲に対する珪酸施用の効果に就て
- 水稲生育に対する珪酸の影響 : 水耕試験及圃場試験