水田における耕耘の栽培技術的研究 : 第1報 飼料作物跡地水田における耕起法の差異が水稲の生育, 収量に及ぼす影響
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Experiments were carried out to make clear the effect of different plowing methods on the growth of the rice plant in paddy fields where different winter forage crops were grown. 1. In the paddy field where Chinese Vetch (Genge) was grown in the previous winter, the plowing with Rotary power tiller brought about a better growth of the rice plant than that with the plow in the early stages of growth. But in the later growth stages, the case turned quite reversely. 2. On paddy field where Italian rye grass was grown in the preceding winter, the plowing with Rotary power tiller brought about a worse early growth of the rice plant than that with the plow. In the later stages, however, the case turned also quite reversely. 3. These differences in the growth of the rice plant could be modified to some extent by manuring or mixed seeding.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-09-01
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- 七六、低温處理がクロバーとベツチとの發芽に及ぼす影響 ((B)菽穀類及び牧草に關するもの)
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