心白米に関する研究 : 第2報 心白米の物理的性質
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Investigations were conducted on the physical properties of rice kernel with special emphasis on the White-core kernel. Sakamai varieties which are used for sake brewing and very high in white-core percentage and common rice varieties were used as materials for experiments. Sakamai grains were divided into two groups; white-core kernels and non white-core kernels. Comparisons were made on grain rigidity, milling qualities, specific gravity and water absorptivity of raw rice and on some properties of steamed rice in connection with penetrativity of malt mycelia. Grain hardness tests revealed that the white-core kernel was fragile due to the presence of a soft structure around the center of it, and that the rigidity of non white-core kernel was rather high. Results of milling and specific gravity tests showed that white-core grain has a rather hard exterior holding an interior of soft and porous structure. Milled white-core kernel was very high in water absorptivity and considerably flat in the process of milling around. 80 % of milling rate. It was observed that both longitudinal' and transverse cracks were easily formed in white-core kernel when steamed. The steamed kernel appeared elastic and less in decrease of thickness. Results of an experiment on Koji (malted rice) led to a conclusion that the cracks which are formed in the kernel due to the presence of porous structure favor the penetration of mycelia into it and would help making .Koji of good quality.
- 1959-09-01
論文 | ランダム
- アルファ波でゆったり (今,レジャ-がおもしろい) -- (ゆったり派のためのレジャ-)
- 情報構造としての宇宙
- 大脳半球機能と思考型(第二報)
- 大脳半球機能と思考型(第一報)
- バイオコンピュ-タ (脳)