- 論文の詳細を見る
Although in past experiments connected with the physiology and ecology of the varieties of the rape plant a number of almost exhaustive investigations have been made of their vegetative organs, particulary of their external characters, the development of their generative organs has received compalatively little attention. While the experiments here referred to will be discussed in greater detail in a later paper, the authors, in this paper, merely attempt to establish criteria, with the aid of which it will be possible to measure the degree of growth of the generative organ in determining its development. Experiments covering this study were conducted during the period from 1939 to 1940 at the Konosu Farm of the Imperial Agricultural Experiment Station, using a variety of rape (Brassica napus L.) "Yokkaiti-Kurotane," a variety which were preserved at the station. The seeds were sown on Sept. 27, 1939, under normal conditions. Special precautions were taken to have all the cultivating conditions as nearly uniform as possible, in order that the plants sampled from time to time for observation shall be as uniform as possible. Collections were made every third day from Nov. 2, 1939 to May 27, 1940. For the differentiation of inflorescence, a portion of the main stem, including the growing point, was fixed in CARNOY's fluid, and longitudinal or cross sections of from 13 to 17 μ thick were stained with either DELAFIELD's or HEIDENHAIN's iron haematoxylin. As soon as inflorescence became visible, the parts most developed, such as the bud, flower, and either siliqua or seed, that were obtained at the timae of sampling were used for material. The authors followed the extensive morphological changes that took place in the growing point and other parts during the growth of flower to seed, and established criteria by means of which the degrees of development of generative organs were standardized. Consequently, 38 principal stages of development, as shown in the microphotographs, were selected for the purpose. These stages are summarized as follows: 1. Stage of preparation for the first flower bud differentiation (Nov. 10-18) The dome-shaped vegetative corn assumes an elongated and swollen appearance (Pl. I, 1). 2. Stage of first flower bud differentiation, I (Nov. 21-24) Lateral protuberance arising near the growing point in the fundament from which the first flower bud intial originates. This primordium is distinguished from the leaf initials by its blunt and single ridge, its morphological significance marking the transition of growing point of the rape plant from the vegetative to the generative phase (Pl. I, 2). 3. Stage of first flower bud differentiation, II (Nov. 27-Dec. 2) The first flower bud that appeared in the preceding stage elongates upward (Pl. I, 3). 4. Stage of sepal differentiation, I (Dec. 6) Sepal primordia begin to differentiate from the tip of the flower bud, which last grows rapidly (Pl. I, 4). 5. Stage of stamen differentiation, I (Dec. 9) Stemen initials appear as papillae inside the sepals, so that the pistil primordium may be seen although signs of general differentiation are lacking (Pl. II, 5) 6. Stage of sepal and stamen differentiation II (Dec. 12-15) Primordia of sepal, of stamen and of pistil are more advanced than in the preceding stage. Sepals partly overlap the stamens (Pl. II, 6). 7. Stage of sepal and stamen differentiation III (Dec. 18-21). Sepals grow longer and overlap one another above the pistil, and the stamens increase in size. It is notable that the upper region of the pistil initial becomes flattened (Pl. II, 7). 8. Stage of carpel differentiation, I (Dec. 24). Carpel formation is first indicated by the appearance of a protuberance on the margin of the apex of the pistil, marking the end of the pistil concave (Pl. II, 8). 9. Stage of petal primordia differentiation (Dec. 27) The beginning of petal primordia differentiation is seen by swellings inside the sepals. The four petal initials are
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1941-11-30
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- 作物の瓦斯代謝作用に関する研究 : V. 赤外線吸収を利用したCO_2瓦斯分析計とその測定例
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- 101 作物の葉温について
- 84 作物の花芽分化に関する研究 : 第3報 自然温度下における日長条件が水稲の出穂に及ぼす影響
- 83 作物の花芽分化に関する研究 : 第2報 制御温度下における日長条件が水稲の出穂に及ぼす影響
- 33 作物の花芽分化に関する研究 : 第1報 水稲の幼穂分化に及ぼす短日の効果
- 31 光質が水稲稚苗の生育に及ぼす影響 : 分けつ原基の発達に及ぼす赤色光・青色光について
- 甘藷の生育に伴う体内成分の消長
- 菜種の花器並に子實の發達過程
- 九一、炭素同化作用と氣孔の運動に關する實驗的研究 ((D)作物一般に關するもの其の他)
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- 作物の根の機能に関する研究 (第1報)
- 日本における水稲収量の地域差に対する気象条件の役割
- 83 稲の開花時刻におよぼす光周期および温度の貢献度について
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- 水稻に對する暴風被害に就て : 特に昭和12年關西地方の暴風に關して : 第2報 暴風による水稻被害の種々相
- 水稻に對する暴風被害に就て : 特に昭和12年關西地方の暴風に關して : 第1報 水稻被害率の地域的差異と被害に對する氣象的並に地理的考察
- 水稻栽培に於ける挿秧期の早晩と耕起の深淺に就いて(講演要旨) : 昭和十四年十一月四日受理
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- 八六 煙草植物に於ける無機質養分の横斷移行 ((C) 工藝作物に關するもの)
- 八四 スーダンのゲジラに於て灌水下に生育せる棉の葉の變異 ((C) 工藝作物に關するもの)
- 水稻の條間に於ける蒸發に就いて : 豫報 : 昭和十年四月七日受理
- 一八 禾本科幼植物の同化、蒸散及び葉緑量に及ぼす温度の影響 ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 四二 玉蜀黍と大豆の混炸が其乾物歩合に及す影響 ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 七八 後作に對する前作物の影響 ((D) 作物一般に關するもの)
- 七三 組織の滲透價比較とミユンヒ氏の假設 ((D) 作物一般に關するもの)
- 七二 食物の養分要求と吸收の過程 ((D) 作物一般に關するもの)
- 六四 禾穀に於ける倒伏 ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 六三 春播小麥に於ける發芽障害の研究 ((A) 禾穀類に關するもの)
- 六八 馬鈴薯の異常塊莖形成に就いて ((C) 根菜類に關するもの)
- 五六 蒸散作用に關する生態的研究 ((一) 作物一般に關するもの)
- 三二 アートシュワーガー及びスターレット共著-甘藷及びグラヂオラスに於ける組織の木栓化と傷面外皮の形成に對する温度と濕度との影響