- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1963, "Kanto two-rowed .Barley No. 2" crop was seeded on the upland farm of alluvial sandy-loam soil, and grown with usual cultural methods. Changes .in the size .and weight as well as in a few chemical components of barley kernels were traced at 5-day intervals after the full heading stage. The temperatures and sunlight intensity during the ripening period in the year were somewhat above in the normal. The results are given below. (1) Panicle weight was on a rapid increase for 30 days after full heading, but the increasing rate for the former 10 days was lower than that for the latter 20 days. Panicle weight increased slightly from the 30 th day after full heading up to the ripening stage. (2) Kernel length was on a very rapid increase for 10 days after full heading, but in the first half period the rate of elongation of kernels was higher. For the subsequent 5 days it increased, reaching a peak on about the 15 th day after full heading. After that almost no change in the length was observed. The width of kernels was on the increase up to about the 25 th day after full heading. Thereafter, it increased slightly up to the ripening stage. The thickness of kernels increased for the period from the 5 th day to the 35 th day after full heading, but the increasing rate was higher in the former half-period than in the latter half. Afterwards it continued. to show a slight increase up to the ripening stage. (3) The grains more than 2.5 mm in diameter began to appear from about the 20 th day after full heading. No. 1. grain ratio reached the standard value on about the 30th day to the 35 th day after full heading. (4) 1,000 kernel weight showed a rapid increase from the 10 th days about the 30 th day after full heading, reaching a peak at about the stage between the 35 th day to the 40 th day after full heading. Thereafter, it decreased slightly. Almost similar trend was observed in respect of the kernel weight per liter. (5) Hull weight ratio showed a rapid decrease up to about the 20 th day after full heading. Thereafter, it decreased slightly, reaching the minimum on around the 35th day after full heading. (6) Crude-protein content showed a rapid decrease from about the 10 th day after full heading, reaching the minimum on about the 25th day after full heading. Thereafter, crude-protein content increased up to about the 40 th day after full heading and thence it showed a slight decrease again. (7) Starch value showed a rapid increase for 20 days from the 5 th day after full heading. Afterwards, it increased slightly. (8) Crude fat content increased slightly after full heading, reaching the maximum on about the 30th days after full heading. Thereafter, almost no change was observed. (9) Ash content decreased from around the 5 th days after full heading, reaching the minimum on about the 30 th day. Afterwards almost no change was observed. From the above results, it was evidenced that the ripened grains being about the 35 th day to the 40th day after full heading showed the highest yield and quality.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1967-06-10
- 41 S-トリアジン系除草剤の水稲生理に及ぼす影響と品種間差
- ミシマサイコの根の肥大特性について
- 9 中国のハイブリット稲の生育.収量
- 中華人民共和国浙江省における稲作 : V 稲作の機械化
- 中華人民共和国浙江省における稲作 : IV 二期作稲の生育・収量
- 中華人民共和国浙江省における稲作 : III ハイブリッド稲の生育・収量
- 稚苗移植栽培に関する研究 : (1) 育苗床土の改良
- 二条大麦の登熟経過に関する研究 (続) : 栽培地を異にする場合
- 作季の移動による稚苗移植水稲の生育収量について
- 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質におよぼす影響 : 第10報 葉身および芒が品質におよぼす影響 (第145回講演会)
- 栽植密度と様式ならびに施肥が水稲のえい花数におよぼす影響
- 様式別直播水稲の生育ならびに収量性の比較について
- 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質に及ぼす影響 : 第9報 登熟期の葉身窒素濃度との関係 (第143回講演会)
- 二条大麦の登熟経過に関する研究
- 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質におよぼす影響 : 第8報 土壌の含湿状態および登熟期の気温と品質・収量 (第142回講演会)
- 二条大麦の登熟経過に関する研究 (第142回講演会)
- 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質に及ぼす影響 : 第7報 生育各時期の過乾・過湿と品質・収量 (第141回講演会)
- 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質に及ぼす影響 : 第6報 土壌のちがいと品質・収量 (第141回講演会)
- (11) 水稲の発芽および初期生育の促進に関する研究 : II ステロイド系ホルモンの効果
- (6) 栽培および環境条件が二条大麦の品質におよぼす影響 : 第 4 報登熟期の遮光と品質
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- 水稲倒伏軽減剤としてのトリアゾール系矮化剤の実用化
- 35 トリアゾール系矮化剤による水稲の稈長短縮と倒伏軽減並びに収量に及ぼす影響
- 転換畑小麦に対する雑草害について
- 転換畑大豆に対する雑草害について
- 畑地除草剤の粒・粉剤化に関する研究 : 第2報 増量剤の粒度及び散布量の相違が除草効果及び水稲の生育・収量に及ぼす影響
- 12.水稲倒伏軽減剤の効果変動に関する研究 : 土壌吸着による幼苗伸長抑制効果の低下程度と土壌理化学性との関係について (第20回大会研究発表抄録)
- 12 水稲倒伏軽減剤の効果変動に関する研究 : 土壌吸着による伸長抑制効果の低下温度と土壌の理化学性との関係について
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- 35.トリアゾール系矯化剤による水稲の稈長短縮と倒伏軽減並びに収量に及ぼす影響 (第21回大会研究発表抄録)
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- 水稲に対するDCPA散布当時の環境条件と薬害発生についての一実験(予報) : 雑草とその防除に関する諸問題
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- 育苗培土の増量資材としての籾がらの利用法について
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- 早期栽培水稲に於ける作物乾燥剤の影響
- 水稲早期栽培について (予報) : 特に育苗時に於ける保温材料並播種期の相異が水稲の生育収量に及ぼす影響について
- 水稲におけるDBNの薬害発現に関する2,3の試験
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- 生育時期別遮光が大豆の生育・収量に及ぼす影響 (第123回 講演会)
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