- 論文の詳細を見る
Using soybean variety Norin No. 2 grown under light and heavy manuring condition by pot culture, exudation was investigated under three levels of soil moisture content (Fig. 1). Soybeans were planted on May 25, and these plants were treated with dry, medium and wet soil conditions from June 22 to July 6. Except the treatment periods, they were maintained under medium soil moisture condition. The exudates were taken from detopped plants at several growing stages, and determined their volume and several inorganic components. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1) Concerning the exudation power of soybean varies at each growing stage. In early vegetative stage, it gradually increases, and in the flower initiation stage, it shows maximum value, but thereafter it gradually decreases (Fig. 3). 2) In plants treated with dry soil condition the exudating power shows remarkable small value, but it recovers in comparatively short period when the plants were return to the medium soil moisture condition. While in plants treated with wet soil condition it does not show and distinct change (Fig. 3). 3) The exudating power of soybean plants is approximately parallel with the function of the root respiration, if these plants were at the same growing stage, or were grown under the same soil moisture condition (Table 3 & Fig. 6). 4) The concentration of each inorganic component in exudate is higher in plants treated with dry soil condition, but it is somewhat lower in plants treated with wet soil condition than with medium soil moisture condition (Table 1 & 2). By reason of difference in amount of exudate between soil moisture treatments, it is considered that the whole quantities of each nutrient translocated to top are decreased by dry treatment, while no decrease is occurred in wet treatment. 5) In the plants grown in heavy manuring condition, the root contains more amount of protein-N (Fig. 5), the respiration of root is more active (Fig. 4) , the amount of exudate is more abundant (Fig. 3), the concentration of NH_4-N, P, K and Mg in exudate is higher (Table 1 & 2) and the growth of top and root is more vigorous than in the plants grown in light manuring condition. Such heavy manuring condition in soybean plant will be efficient to lighten the drought damage, to hasten the recovery from such damage, and moreover to change the weak growth brought by wet soil condition to vigorous growth.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1963-07-05
- 41 ダイズの登熟期における追肥が光合成能力と乾物生産に及ぼす影響
- 大豆の子実生産に関する研究 : 第3報 物質生産が子実収量におよぼす影響 (第139回講演会)
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- (56) 大豆の裂莢性の測定方法に関する研究(予報) : 日本育種学会第25回講演会講演要旨 : 一般講演
- 日長及び温度が大豆の花芽の分化並びに花器の発達に及ぼす影響の品種間差異 : I. 大豆花器の発達過程
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- 〔16〕日長及び温度が大豆の花芽の分化及び花器の発達に及ぼす影響の品種間差異 : 日本育種学会第17回講演要旨 : 一般講演
- 日長及び温度が大豆子実の発達に及ぼす影響の品種間差異
- 58 大豆の晩播栽培での蛋白質収量の増大に関する研究 : 第II報 蛋白質含有率と子実収量及び生産形質との関係
- 107 マメ類子実成分の生成機構 : ダイズ登熟期間中の子実内タンパク質定量法の検討
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- 69 ダイズの子実生産機構の生理学的研究 : 粒内タンパク質組成の登熟にともなう推移と温度との関係
- 59 ダイズの子実生産機構の生理学的研究 : 登熟期間中の温度条件が粒内成分の推移におよぼす影響
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- 88 ダイズの子実生産機構の生理学的研究 : 登熟にともなう粒内遊離アミノ酸消長の品種および栄養条件による差異
- 37 ダイズの子実生産機構の生理学的研究 : 登熟にともなう子実内遊離アミノ酸の消長
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- 17 ダイズの子実生産機構の生理学的研究 : 登熟期間の糖の消長
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