根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : (I) 苗代放置稲の二三の生態について : (II) 根径, 発根その他の特性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors tried to determine root types, using 280 cultivated rice varieties continuously grown in nursery. Nursery conditions favoured to make varietal defferences of root characters clearer than paddy field conditions. Three root types such as I, II and III were proposed by combining both root diameter and colour (Fig. 1). 1) From type I to III, roots became thinner and paler in colour (Tab. 1 & Fig. 8). Shoots also went hand in hand with root types, showing poorer growth in height and weight (Fig. 3 & Fig. 4). But thinner root types had larger ears in weight in contrast with culms (Fig. 5). Thicker types showed leaf tip burn earlier than thinner ones and showed also lower promotion of premature heading in nursery (Fig. 6 & Tab. 5). From these, root types suggested different abilities of physiological function. 2) Majority of varieties cultivated in temperate zone of Asia belonged to type II and III, but local varieties in Japan, "Hsien" in China and tropical ones included large numbers of type I (Fig. 2). 3) Among those varieties including type II and III which had different resistabilities against soil reduction, there were also differences of root diameter. The more resistant the variety, the larger the root diameter (Tab. 7). More resistant ones were, moreover, capable to produce larger numbers of roots and longer ones, even in solutions which were made reductive by adding hydroquinons (Tab. 8). These facts explained their resistabilities from morphological viewpoints as well as from physiological points already studied by many investigators.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1959-01-01
- 水稲における側根形成に関する研究 : (V) 明暗条件と側根形成 (第142回講演会)
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- 水稲根の鉄皮膜形成に関する研究 : VI 根群の老化と鉄皮膜形成 (第137回 講演会)
- 水稲根の鉄皮膜形成に関する研究 : (V) 異常条件下における鉄皮膜形成
- 水稲根の鉄皮膜形成に関する研究 : V. 異常条件下における鉄皮膜形成について (第136回 講演会)
- 水稲根における鉄皮膜形成に関する研究 : IV. 二価鉄酸化力と鉄皮膜形成
- 異なる土壌温度における水稲根の生理生態 : 1. その生態について
- 水稲根における鉄被膜形式に関する研究 : IV 二価鉄酸化力と鉄被膜形成 (第134回 講演会)
- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : VII. 根の量的形質に関する二三の考察
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- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : VI. 鉄被膜形成と三要素吸収
- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : (V) 根中の燐と還元抵抗性
- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : (IV) 鉄被膜形成と根の活力及び塩基置換容量
- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : III. 根の鉄被膜量について
- 根の特性からみた栽培稲品種 : (I) 苗代放置稲の二三の生態について : (II) 根径, 発根その他の特性について
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