茶樹の凍霜害防除に関する研究 (第2報) : 送風法による茶樹の凍霜害防除について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to prevent the frost damage of the tea plant, a wind machine was manufactured in 1956, and the variation of temperature and relative humidity of the atmosphere near the ground in the tea garden, and the destruction of inversion layer by the intermittent blowing were researched in 1957-58. The temperature effect (ratio of temperature variation between the blown and not blown places) was differed with the temperature gradient of inversion layer. Namely, when the gradient was sharp the effect was remarkable, but it requires a powerful energy to destruct the inversion layer, consequently, the temperature effect was confined a narrow field. The temperature effect was more effectively used jointed with the heaters. The saturated vapor near the ground was agitated and the relative humidity was reduced by the wind blast. Accordingly the amount of dew on the tea garden was decreased. If the cold damage becomes severe by the frost, these effect by the wind blast are very effective to prevent the damage together with that of the temperature elevation by destructing the inversion layer.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1958-10-01
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