馬鈴薯の塊茎肥大に及ぼす気温並に地温の影響 (予報)
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In order to obtain some knowledges on the influence of air and soil temperatures upon the growth, tuberization and starch accumulation in the tubers of potato plants, the present investigations were carried out using Early Rode variety, and their results are summerized as follows : 1) Under high air temperature (mean 21.4℃) there took place a marked top elongation with relatively poor leaf-stem ratio. Therefore the top growth was not normal resulting in distinct retardation of tuber development. The high temperature of either air or soil should delay the differentiation of tubers. 2) Under moderate air temperature (mean 17-19℃), the treatment with low soil temperature did not increase the tuber growth and starch content, however, the same treatment under high air temperature, partially reduced the retarding effect due to the high air temperature. 3) Even under the moderate air temperature, when the soil temperature rose to about 23-24℃, the starch content of tubers decreased, and at about 27-30℃, the secondary-growth of tubers was induced and the tuber growth was highly prevented. 4) The alternation of the soil temperature from high to low, or low to high resp. during the period of tuber thickening gave no significant effect upon the tuber growth. 5) The tuber yield fluctuation in soil temperature so far as it was within the range that does not prevent the tuber, growth. 6) The tubers treated with soil temperature at their earlier stage of growth revealed little or no pigmentation of tuber skin.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1953-12-25
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- 馬鈴薯の塊茎肥大に及ぼす気温並に地温の影響 (予報)
- 馬鈴薯品種の生態的特性に関する研究(予報)-生育並に塊茎形成に及ぼす日長時間の影響の品種間差異について
- 二五 實棉の纎維長測定に用ふる光電纎維分類器((C)工藝作物に關するもの)