禾穀類の発芽に於ける胚乳貯藏養分消費に関する研究 : (第4報) 麦類の播種の深さとの関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Effect of the depth of sowing, i. e. 1 cm, 3 cm, and 5 cm-depth, of wheat, naked barley, hulled barley and oats upon the consumption of stored foods in endosperms and upon the early growth of plants was studied. 2. The process of consumption was identical and the endosperm exhaution occurred at the same time in all lots of each kind of plants. 3. The dry weight of plumules was generally heavier and that of radicles was lighter under deeper sowing. 4. The development of foliage leaves was promoted under shallower sowing. 5. In all 5 cm-depth lots, the foliage leaves appeared already from the coleoptiles under soil, but the appearance of plumules on the surface of soil was very irregular, because of their insufficient penetrating power through the soil. As the stored foods in seeds were almost exhaused under soil, in all 5 cm-depth lots the 5 cm-depth sowing might be very disadvantageous to the following growth of plants.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1953-06-30
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- 禾穀類の発芽に於ける胚乳貯藏養分消費に関する研究 : (第4報) 麦類の播種の深さとの関係
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