禾穀類の倒伏に關する研究 : 第一報 麥類の背地性について
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This report is described on the negative geotropism of the lodged stems of wheat and naked barley. (1) It was observed that the lodged stems of the naked barley were recovered more rapidly than the wheat. (2) When the stem was lodged at the 2nd internode, the rising process of the 1st internode was represented by two straight lines, which was almost similar in both cereals. The angle of inclination of the 1st straight line was sharp, while the 2nd one was gentle, and there was the transition point from the 1st straight line to the 2nd one at an angle of about 40°in wheat or about 50°in naked barley. (3) The stem lodged at the lower internode was recovered to normal situation through over-bending. (4) It is obvious that the process of the negative geotropism is different by the tirne of lodging, for example, on the comparatively early lodged stem the rising grade is progressed. However, the behavior of the negative geotropism may be similar to the above mentioned results.
- 1949-10-30