- 論文の詳細を見る
There is a contradictory point of view against Matsushima's diagnoses concerning the rice plant of which first bract was modified to the flag leaf. Therefore, the characteristics of the rice plant with the modified flag leaf were investigated. Three types were observed in the morphology of the neck node. The first type developed one or no primary rachis-branch and formed complete annular protuberance around the whole circumference of the neck node. This type is usually seen and is considered as a normal one. The second type had incomplete annular protuberance around the neck node and contained two subtypes. One resembled the normal type but a part of the circumference of the neck node was lacking in protuberance (Fig.1, A). The other had two or three primary rachis-branches on the neck node and a part of its circumference was lacking in protuberance (Fig. 1, B). The third type had twin or triplet whorled primary rachis-branches and had complete annular protuberance around the neck node (Fig. 1, G and D). The rice plant having a normal neck node did not possess a car or a bud in the axil of the flag leaf except for one which had a bud (Table 1). And the bud was true one of a tiller. Many plants with the other two types of neck nodes carried the axillary car or bud at the flag leaf (Tables 1, 2 and Fig. 2, A, B and C), though there were also a lot of plants having none (Tables 1 and 2). The morphology of the ear was as follows. A prophyll was absent (Fig. 3, A). Earlets were formed alternately on the two linear planes of the axis of the ear (Fig. 3, E). 0ne or two basal earlets had a bract-like structure, some of which were developed well (Fig. 3,E). One or two basal earlets had a bract-like structure, some of which were developed well (Fig. 2, B and Fig. 3,B). But it was bladeless (Fig. 3,B) and did not encircle the axis of the ear (Fig. 3, C and D). The axis of the ear was not hollow and showed a typical feature of an atactostele in the transverse section (Fig. 4, A). The number of large vascular bundles in the axis were two and almost one in the second internode and in the third one respectively, regardless of the number of diverged earlets (Table 3 and Fig. 4, A, B and C). The morphology of thirty-nine buds out of forty-three subtended by flag leaves of the rice plants with the second type or the third of the neck node was the undeveloped feature of the ear mentioned above. But about the remaining four, it was undistinguishable whether they were the buds of the ear or of a tiller, for they had only a leaf-primordium-like structure in which none was contained. The lowest elongated internode of the stem was longer or the number of elongated internodes was more by one in the rice plant of which neck node type was the second or the third, when compared with that of the first type (Table 4). From these results, it is considered that the ear in the axil of the flag leaf and the bud of which morphology was the undeveloped ear are not a tiller but a primary rachis-branch. Therefore, such the flag leaf as this is the one to which the first bract has been modified. And this results in the conclusion that the second type of the neck node morphology and the third one are the characteristic expression of the rice plant with the modified flog leaf from the first bract. Then, the problem still remains about rice plants which had undistinguishable buds or none in the axil of their flag leaves, although their neck node morphology was the second or the third type. But, as their feature of the stem internode elongation differed from the rice plant with he normal neck node and was the same as the one of which first bract had definitely been modified, those plants are also the rice plants of their first bract having been modified. Feature of the stem internode elongation found in the rice plants whose neck node types were the second and the third is another characteristic of the rice plant with the modified flag leaf, because it was made clear t
- 1983-06-05
- 水稲における根群の発育に関する研究, ならびに乾物生産研究成果の生産現場への適用について
- コウギヤガラ塊茎からの自然条件下での発生生態
- 40 水稲の登熟期における茎重の特異的推移について
- コムギおよびオオムギ主茎における葉身,葉鞘,節間および穂の同調的伸長
- 苗箱全量施肥水稲に関する2,3の形質比較
- 17 水稲の欠株に対する周辺株の補償作用について
- 気象的通常年における不稔籾発生の1・2の知見
- 132 圃場における光強度の季節・天候・方位・角度別日変化について
- 被覆尿素LPSの肥効発現様式, および当該様式と水稲根の発育との関係
- 142 水稲におけるT/R比の品種間差異について
- 42 コムギ諸器官の生長と老化に関する研究 : 第4報 穂の部分切除が葉身, 葉鞘の乾物重, 窒素含量および葉緑素含量の推移におよぼす影響
- 9 水稲の多収穫における籾数確保の重要性について
- 八郎潟における水田雑草コウキヤガラの生態と防除に関する研究
- 140 コムギ諸器官の生長と老化に関する研究 : 第3報 葉身・葉鞘における乾物重, 窒素含量および葉緑素含量の推移
- 75 水稲における出穂後の高温と登熟との関係
- 八郎潟における水田雑草コウキヤガラの生態と防除に関する研究
- 91 コムギ諸器官の生長と老化に関する研究 第2報 葉位別葉身・葉鞘の乾物重, 窒素含量および葉緑素含量の推移
- 90 コムギ諸器官の生長と老化に関する研究 第1報 器官別乾物重, 窒素含量および葉身・葉鞘における葉緑素含量の推移
- 10 秋田県大潟村における水稲の不耕起栽培について : 第2報 1992年の例
- 9 秋田県大潟村における水稲の不耕起栽培について : 第1報 1991年の例
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- コウギヤガラ塊茎からの発生に及ぼす耕種操作の影響
- 日本海中部地震による水稲被害の様相
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- 水稲における, 冠根の出現した要素数あるいは冠根の出現しなかった要素数と登熟期の地上部の形質との関係
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- 100 水稲における,冠根の出現しなかった要素数と登熟期の地上部形質および養水分吸収力との関係
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- 3 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの防除法確立に関する基礎的研究 : 塊茎について
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- 66. 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの防除法確立に関する基礎的研究 : 第4報 塊茎の萌芽および出芽について(その2)
- 65. 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの防除法確立に関する基礎的研究 : 第3報 塊茎の萌芽および出芽について(その1)
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- 30 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの除草法確立に関する研究. : 第2報 分枝の形成・発育について.
- 29 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの除草法確立に関する基礎的研究. : 第1報 発育の概要と除草上の要点.
- 植物の根に関する諸問題(45)根の伸長,とくに水稲根の伸長について
- 不耕起栽培の現状と課題 (1996年度日本作物学会シンポジウム(3)2 国際競争時代下の稲作技術を考える--東北地方を中心として)
- 8 秋田県大潟村における水稲の不耕起栽培について : 第3報 最近の状況
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- 97 コムギにおける地上部諸器官の伸長様式(予報)
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- 水稲の, 地上部の生育にともなう冠根の伸長の様相について
- 113 水稲における根系の形成について
- 第1苞が止葉化した水稲の形態的特徴について
- 78. 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの防除法確立に関する基礎的研究 : 塊茎の萌芽に関する 2, 3の知見
- 77. 多年生水田雑草コウキヤガラの防除法確立に関する基礎的研究 : 種子の発芽と実生の生育
- 麦あと大豆作におけるバラ播栽培に関する研究 : 第3報 播種量と生育・収量との関係
- 麦あと大豆作におけるバラ播栽培に関する研究 : 第2報 耕起の有無と生育・収量との関係
- 69 水稲における,第1苞の止葉化と地上部の一・二の形質との関係(予報)
- 麦あと大豆作におけるバラ播栽培に関する研究 : 第1報 バラ播栽培の試み
- 水稲における, 主稈葉数と冠根の伸長終了時期との関係
- 水稲の高収量水準における穂数と1穂籾数の役割について : とくに穂数型品種に着目した場合