- 論文の詳細を見る
This experiment was conducted to select adaptable varieties of rice for late culture of direct seeding on well-drained paddy field, to study mechanism of yield stability. Experiment was composed of 2 nitrogen applying methods and 10 varieties and local strains (early and middle maturing) from 1976 to 1980. Yielding ability and yield stability were investigated by FINLAY's regression method and EBERHALT's test of deviation from regression. Results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. FINLAY's regression coefficients between each environmental yield and averaged yield of all environments were significant among varieties and strains except Nipponbare, however deviations from regression were not significant in all varieties and strains (Table 3). 2. Regression coefficients of semi panicle number types and panicle number types were above 1.0, while those of medium types and semi panicle weight types were below 1.0. It is suggested that yield stability was related to plant type. 3. Yield stability was studied in relation to stability of some yield components. Yield stability was less affected to stability of number of panicles per unit area, number of spikelets per unit area, and 1000 grain weight. It was closely related to stability of percentage of ripened grain (Table 4). 4. Ooseto and Saikai No. 137 showed good performance for late culture of direct seeding.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1982-06-15
- 麦作跡水稲乾田直播栽培の播種方式
- 水稲の晩期乾田直播栽培における品種の適応性
- 水稲短期品種の箱育苗における不時出穂
- 晩播乾田直播用水稲品種の特性と適応性
- 九州各県における水稲収量の推移と籾数
- 49 麦跡直播栽培の的用品種(予報) : 収量性と収量安定性
- 短期散播水稲の晩期における生育と収量
- 麦跡直播栽培の適応品種 : 籾重増加に関する諸特性
- 13 麦跡直播栽培における麦わら施用と水稲生育 : 麦わら混入による水稲の初期s生育抑制
- 短期水稲の栽培様式別生育,収量の差異について
- 短期散播水稲の標準期における生育と収量
- 76 機械植短期水稲の不時出穂 : 育苗期間の平均気温と積算気温の影響
- 浅耕散播水稲の苗立密度の分布型と抜取方法
- 4 短期直播水稲の標準期における生育と収量
- 麦跡乾田直播水稲の乾物生産と収量
- 麦跡水稲乾田直播栽培における散播様式の物質生産特性
- 11 水稲のLag phaseの長さを支配する要因
- 3 短期水稲の栽培様式別生育, 収量の差異について
- 登熟期間の遮光処理が直播水稲の施肥効果に及ぼす影響
- 15 麦作跡直播栽培における播種様式
- 簡易試料調製法によるミネラル分析値からみた島根県産米の特徴
- 35 玄米のリン,カリウム,マグネシウム含有率とそのバランスについて
- 多収性水稲における出穂後追肥が葉枯れおよび収量に及ぼす影響
- 3 タカサブロウ種子の生態的特性
- 78. 水稲機械移植育苗におけるムレ苗発生の一原因
- 13. 晩播乾田直播栽培の適品種 : 半矮性外国稲,多粒系統の密播適応性(予報)
- 麦稈処理法と水稲の出芽
- 短期散播水稲の早播における生育と収量
- 14 短期直播水稲の作期別生育相(予報)
- 短期直播水稲の早播における窒素施肥法
- 近畿中国地域における稚苗移植水稲の移植期と収量
- 10 暖地稚苗機械植木稲の収量性の統計的解析