- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper, it was suggested that non-glutinous rice and glutinous rice differed in lipid content and fatty acid composition of brown rice. In order to confirm lipid content and fatty acid composition of glutinous rice, brown rice and its milled rice of eleven glutinous mutant lines and three non-glutinous mutant lines, which were induced by gamma ray irradiation and ethylenimine treatment of lowland non-glutinous variety "Nihonmasari", and those of four comparative glutinous varieties were investigated. The lipid content of the glutinous lines, the comparative glutinous varieties, and one non-glutinous lines was significantly higher in both brown rice and milled rice in comparison with that of the original non-glutinous variety. The value of the non-glutinous line, however, was significantly lower than that of the glutinous line. As for fatty acid composition of brown rice and milled rice, the glutinous lines and the comparative glutinous varieties showed significantly higher myristic acid and palmitic acid content than the original non-glutinous variety. The stearic acid content showed also the same tendency except two comparative glutinous varieties of brown rice and one glutinous line and one comparative glutinous variety of milled rice, but the oleic acid content was lower. As regards the difference between the non-glutinous and the original non-glutinous variety, there was no significance in the content of above-mentioned four fatty acids of both brown rice and milled rice with some exceptions in oleic acid content. As the results, it was presumed that glutinous rice, as compared with non-glutinous rice, was higher in lipid content and higher in myristic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid content and lower in oleic acid content as for fatty acid composition.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1982-06-15
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