2 コンポジットレジンの縁端強度と耐摩耗性に関する研究 (第409回 大阪歯科学会例会)
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We evaluated a new apparatus for testing the marginal toughness and wear resistance of dental restorative materials. We tested three types of composite resins (MFR, hybrid, and semi-hybrid) as well as an amalgam. The width of marginal fracture and wear volume were also evaluated. The width of marginal fracture test showed that the amalgam was the strongest, followed by the hybrid composite, semi-hybrid type, and the MFR type. The wear volume test showed that the amalgam was best, followed by the MFR composite, the semi-hybrid type, and the hybrid type. We concluded that this test apparatus was capable of evaluating the marginal toughness and wear resistance of restorative materials.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
- 1992-02-25
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