Physio-morphological Studies of F_1 Hybrids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) : Photosynthetic ability and yield
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Photosynthetic ability in terms of CO_2 exchange rate and leaf area, dry matter accumulation(dry weight)and other important growth components along with yield and yield contributing characters in two F_1 hybrids of Akebono × Chiyonishiki(A×C)and Zenith × Akebono(Z×A)were studied. The photosynthetic rate at the flowering stage was lower than that at the panicle initiation stage in all the inbred parent cultivars and F_1 hybrids. Heterosis in photosynthetic rate was higher at the panicle initiation stage than that at the flowering stage. Pre-anthesis leaf area in the F_1 hybrid was significantly larger than that in the parent cultivars. However, the post-anthesis decline in leaf area was more rapid in the F_1 hybrids than in the parent cultivars and its magnitude was the highest in the F_1 hybrid of Z × A which was tall having long and curved panicles. Pre-anthesis dry matter accumulation in both hybrids was significantly higher in the F_1 plants than the parental cultivars, but post-anthesis dry matter accumulation in the F_1 hybrid was lower than the mid-parental value in Z × A. The degree of heterosis in grain yield varied with the hybrid combination, an average heterosis being 1.03. Heterosis in grain yield was closely associated with heterosis in harvest index.
- 日本作物学会の論文
Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
Tsuzuki Eiji
Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University
Nakamura Ichiro
Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
Ishimine Yukio
Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
Murayama Seiichi
Faculty Of Agriculture University Of The Ryukyus
Tsuzuki Eiji
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Ishimine Yukio
Faculty Of Agriculture University Of The Ryukyus
Murayama S
Fac.of Agri. Univ.of The Ryukyus
Murayama Seiichi
Coll .of Agric. Univ. Of The Ryukyus
Ishimine Y
Faculty Of Agriculture University Of The Ryukyus
Nurul Alam
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University
Nurul Alam
United Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Kagoshima University
Nakamura I
Tribiox Laboratories Ltd.
Khan Md.
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University
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