Effect of Ni-EDTA on Production of Methane and Decomposition of Volatile Fatty Acids in Paddy Soil
Nozoe Takuhito
Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
Yoshida K
School Of Science Kitasato University
Yoshida K
Fukuoka Univ. Fukuoka
Yoshida Koji
Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- Multiple Magnetic Transitions in RuSr_2R_Ce_Cu_2O_(R = Gd, Eu) from Magnetization and ESR Spectroscopy(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Multiple Magnetic Transitions in RuSr_2R_Ce_Cu_2O_ (R = Gd, Eu) from Magnetization and ESR Spectroscopy
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- A Characterization of Discrete Time Soliton Equations
- Effect of Ni-EDTA on Production of Methane and Decomposition of Volatile Fatty Acids in Paddy Soil
- Effects of Methanogenesis and Sulfate-Reduction on Acetogenetic Oxidation of Propionate and Further Decomposition of Acetate in Paddy Soil
- Mechanisms of Decomposition of Acetic Acid by Methane-Producing Bacteria in Submerged Paddy Soil
- Effect of EDTA on Reduction Process in Submerged Paddy Soil with Rice Straw