An Ultrastructural Study Comparing New Gingival Tissue Attachment on Chemically Exposed Fibrils and Retained Periodontal Ligament
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Successful periodontal healing has been demonstrated in animals following application of citric acid to exposed root surface. However, we have been unable to achieve comparable results on clinical patients. Accordingly, the present study, using monkeys, was designed to re-evaluate the degree of interdigitation of newly-formed gingival fibrils with ones exposed to citric acid compared to normal attachment tissues of the retained periodontal ligament. We found that superficial collagen fibrils in both cases suffer degradation following normal inflammation and healing secondary to flap surgery. On retained periodontal ligament tissues, this change was limited to superficial levels and newly-formed collagen fibrils were linked immediately with old ones. In contrast, when exposed collagen fibrils were conditioned by exposure to citric acid, the degradative change occurred more deeply, and healing was delayed. Thus, the citric acid may not be the best choice of root treatments in terms of promoting better gingival tissue attachment. Furthermore, the results indicated that fibrils preserved on the root should not be curetted as possible during flap surgery as they offer an improved chance for optimal reattachment.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
西村 和晃
NAITO Masafumi
Department of Medicine, Osaka Kousei-nenkin Hospital
Naito Masafumi
Department Of Periodontology Osaka Dental University
Noguchi Yoshihiro
The Central Technology Laboratory Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Noguchi Yoshihiro
Department Of Periodontology Osaka Dental University
Noguchi Yoshihiro
Department Of Otolaryngology Graduate School Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Nishimura Kazuaki
Department of Periodontics, Osaka Dental University
Noguchi Y
Department Of Otolaryngology School Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Department of Periodontology, Osaka Dental University
Department of Periodontology, Osaka Dental University
Department of Periodontology, Osaka Dental University
Nishimura Kazuaki
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Nishimura Kazuaki
Department Of Orthodontics Aichi-gakuin University School Of Dentistry
Yamaoka A
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Yamaoka Akira
Department Of Periodontology Osaka Dental University
Fukazawa Eisuke
Department Of Periodontology Osaka Dental University
Shigeyama Yoichiro
Department Of Periodontology Osaka Dental University
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