Apoptotic cells in pleomorphic adenomas
- 論文の詳細を見る
Although apoptosis is generally thought to be inhibited in malignant tumors,the phenomenon is not well understood in benign tumors. We used the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end labeling (TUNEL) method to study apoptosis in pleomorphic adenoma. We found an apoptosis-positive reaction in the nuclei of a few tumor cells that had tubuloductal structures, neoplastic cells in sheets, and myoepithelial cells made up of myxoid structures. More apoptosis-positive cells were found in luminal tumor cells of tubular and duct-like structures. In oral papillomas, some epithelial cells showed apoptosis-positive reactions in the nucleus, although very few positive cells were seen in the five cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas we examined. We concluded that apoptosis tends to occur in ductal epithelial cells in pleomorphic adenoma and that expression of apoptosis in the cells of benign tumors is different from that in malignant tumors such as cancer.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
Fang Yi-ru
Department of Dental Oriental Medicine, Osaka Dental University
Tanaka Makoto
Department of Intensive Care, Anesthesiology, Surgery and Internal Medicine, Univ. of Tsukuba
Tanaka Akio
Department of Oral Pathology, Osaka Dental University
Tanaka Akio
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Arika Takumi
大阪歯科大学 第二口腔外科学
Arika Takumi
Second Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Osaka Dental University
Department of Oral Pathology, Osaka Dental University
HIDA Tomoaki
Department of Oral Pathology, Osaka Dental University
Kotani Junichiro
Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Dental University
Department of Oral Pathology, Osaka Dental University
Tsunokuma Masayuki
大阪歯科大学 口腔病理学
Kotani J
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Kotani Junichiro
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Watanabe Yuya
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Watanabe Yuya
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Tominaga Kazuya
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Hida Tomoaki
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Hida Tomoaki
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Fang Yi-ru
Fang Y‐r
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Kim Nak-Hyun
Departments of Oral Pathology, Osaka Dental University
Kim Nak-hyun
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Kim Nak-hyun
大阪大学 医学部口腔病理学
Tominaga Kazuya
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Tanaka Akio
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Kotani Junichiro
Departments Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Tanaka M
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Fang Yi-ru
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Tanaka A
Department Of Oral Pathology Osaka Dental University
Tanaka Makoto
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine University Of Tokyo
Tanaka Makoto
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Tanaka Makoto
Department Of Cardiology Hirosaki University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tanaka Makoto
Department Of Cardiology Cardiovascular Center Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Tanaka Makoto
Department Of Adult Nursing/palliative Care Nursing Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of To
Tanaka Akio
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagaoka University Of Technology
Tanaka Akio
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
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