コメット・アッセイ : 放射線によるDNA損傷と修復 : シンポジウム : III. コメット法, その変異原性試験としての展望
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The single cell gel electrophoresis, known as the comet assay, has been introduced as a simple method to measure DNA damage in individual cells. Other methods used to measure DNA damage, such as pulse-field gel electrophoresis, filter elution and sucrose gradiaent sedimentation, measure only the average response of a large number of cells. Because of its high sensitivity the comet assay has been used to evaluate the genotoxicity of a variety of physical and chemical agents. The use of the comet assay under neutral conditions has revealed that a major component of X-ray induced sublethal damage may be double-strand DNA breaks in cultured mammalian cells, and that the induction of a novel, efficient repair mechanism for chromosomal DNA breaks may be involved in the radioadaptive response. The ability to evaluate heterogeneity of response has potetial value in the study of tissue-to-tissue variations in cellular response to ionizing radia-tion which plays a role in optimizing radiation therapy. Examining DNA damage in individual cells also allows the determination of apoptotic cells. Along with advancements in techniques based on single cell analysis, the comet assay is now expected to open a new research discipline such as single cell molecular biology. (This paper, in a session chaired by Yuu Sasaki and Takaji lkushima, was presented to the symposium "A view of Comet assay as a mutagenicity test system", organized by Yuu Sasaki and Takaji lkushima, at the 27'" annual meeting of the Environmental Mutagen Society of J'apan, and held at the Mielparque Osaka in Osaka, Japan, November, 24-26, 1998)
- 日本環境変異原学会の論文
- 1999-07-12
- シロイヌナズナにおける組織培養形質のエコタイプ間差異
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- コメット・アッセイ : 放射線によるDNA損傷と修復 : シンポジウム : III. コメット法, その変異原性試験としての展望
- S3-序 コメット・アッセイ : 将来展望(序論にかえて)
- カンサイタンポポとセイヨウタンポポの雑種形成
- 高等植物細胞における染色体DNA複製パターン
- 5. 小核測定によるバイオドシメトリ