イネ白葉枯病菌の栄養生理学的研究(I) : 窒素源
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The results of the experiment concerning the nutritional requirement of Xanthomonas oryzae on various nitrogen compounds were described. 1. The bacterium failed to grow in Starr's basal medium, while vigorous growth was obtained when vitamin free casein hydrolysate was added to the basal medium. 2. Among twelve inorganic nitrogen compounds, fairely good growth occurred in the basal medium with ammonium oxalate as the nitrogen source, while, there was no growth with the other inorganic nitrogen compounds. 3. Among fifteen amino acids examined, vigorous growth occurred with the following amino acids: glutamic acid, aspartic acid, methionine, cystine and asparagine, but not with the other amino acids: proline, lysine, arginine, ,9-alanine, kreatin, norvaline, tyrosine, leusine, threonine and glycine. 4 . More vigorous growth occurred in culture with four amino acid mixtures than with a single addition of each of the amino acids : glutamic acid, aspartic acid, methionine and cystine.本病原細菌の栄養源としての窒素化合物は,炭水化物類と共に主要栄養要素の1つであるが,その栄養生理面からの基礎的研究は僅かに向らの報告があるのみである.一方,寄主植物である水稲には,多種類のアミノ酸が存在し,その含量も相当高いことが山田や尾崎らにより明らかにされている.それ故,本菌のアミノ酸の要求性,並びにその代謝面を調べることは,単に本菌の培養上における性質を知るだけでなく水稲の本病に対する罹病性,或いは抵抗性と関連して重要である.木実験は,窒素源として与えた各種窒素化合物が本菌の増殖に如何なる役割を果しているかについて,培養試験により検討を加えたものである.
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