オキヒイラギの発光細菌に関する研究(I) : 発光の持続性について
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The luminous bacterium of Leiognathus rivulatus was identified as Photobacterium fischeri. The bacterium assimilated such nitrogen sources as potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrate, ammonium chloride, diammonium hydrogen phosphate and asparagin. Basal medium described by Farghaly was used. The bacterium assimilated such carbon sources as glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, cellobiose, glycerin, calcium lactate and dextrin. The bacterium maintained luminescence about two months at 23℃ in 1 % yeast extract sea water medium. Intensity of bacterial luminescence in 1 % peptone-, hydrolized casein- and meat extract-media was greater than yeast extract medium during the first ten days, but thereafter the intensity of the former rapidly decreased. Duration of the bacterial luminescence is shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the pH values of the media at which the luminescence disappeared. When glucose was used as carbon source, the luminescence disappeared after only one day in all cases. When the luminescence disappeared the pH values of the media were all below 5 in glucose and 6.1-6.7 in galactose. In order to adjust the pH value, 4 mg Ca-carbonate per ml of the medium was added before inoculation. The results are shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the pH values of the media containing Ca-carbonate at which the luminescence disappeared. Duration of luninescence was prolonged in glucose, galactose and Ca-lactate media. Excepting the media containing glucose, pH values of the media were raised.ヒイラギ科の魚の発光については羽根田の詳細な研究がある.同氏は「これらの魚の発光器官は食道の部の周囲を取り巻くようにしてついており,食道に2ヵ所の開口部がある.発光細菌はこの器官の中に純粋培養の形で入つている.」と述べている.発光器官は心臓,肝臓と大きな血管束で結ばれており,そのことにより発光細菌の増殖,発光が行なわれるものと思う.したがつて発光細菌は宿主の魚の生理にかなりの影響をあたえるであろう.ヒイラギ科の魚の発光器官はオキヒイラギを除いて他はすべて雌雄同大である.オキヒイラギは成熟すれば雄のものの方が雌のものよりはるかに大きくて体重の3%にも達するものがある.発光細菌がヒイラギ科の魚にあたえる影響を研究するにあたつて,上述のように発光器官の大きいこと(雄)と,雌雄で大きさの異なることとが好都合と思つて研究の対象に選んだ.著者は今回分離した発光細薗の炭素源,柴素源の資化性を調べ,あわせてこれらの炭素源,窒素源の相違がこの細菌の発光の持続性にどのような影響をあたえるかを検討した結果を報告する.
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