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Plesiops semeion Tanaka is a small percoid fish, distributed on the rocky coast of Southern Japan to Ryukyu Islands. It is carnivorous, feeding chiefly upon small crustaceans, moluscs and young fishes, and is often found in the tide pools near low water mark. The spawning season, at Tamanoura, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu, was observed to extend from end of July to middle of September in 1954. The breeding habits of this fish closely resembles to some Gobioid or tropical Blennoid fish, the eggs being deposited in a single layer on the under side of a flat stone near low water mark, where they are guarded by the male parent. The ovarian egg (Fig.2, A) has double egg-membranes, the outer membrane, when spawned, turns over to form a bundle of adhesive threads (Fig.2, B). The yolk is light yellow in color, with alveolar structure, containing many small oil-globules measuring about 0.19mm in diameter in the course of the embryonal development. The spawned egg is ellipsoid in shape, about 0.9mm×0.6mm in size(Fig. 2, C~J). Hatching took place in about three days after collected, at the water temperature 25~27℃, when the embryonal development was as the figure 2, C. The newly hatched larva is 2.8~2.9mm in total length(Fig. 2, K), and resembles to Gobioid larvae, with discriminative characteristics from the latter in lacking pigment cells on the dorsal side of body as well on the ventral side of tail and in the more advanced position of the anus.タナバタウオ科の魚は,太平洋,印度洋の熱帯,亜熱帯の海に広く分布し,数種が記載されている.ここに述べるタナバタウオは,和歌山県田辺からの材料により田中茂穂博士が1917年に,Plesiops semeion Tanaka として発表されたものである.本種はPlesiops melas Bleekerと非常によく似た種と思われる.一方Fowlerによれば,P.melas, P.semeion 及び P.nakaharae Tanakaを,何れも,P.nigricans(Ruppel)に含めている.筆者の採集した標本は,背・臀鰭の鰭条数及び体の各部分の比が,melas及びnigricansは,西部太平洋の熱帯から日本の本州南部,印度洋の熱帯,亜熱帯に分布することが知られているが,semeionの分布範囲は明らかでない.採集された記録によれば,本州中部から沖縄に分布すると思われる.全長約9cmに達し,岩礁性の潮溜りや,岸近くの石の下,岩の割れ目等に潜んでいる.スジエビ,カニダマシ類等の小甲殻類を主に食し,稀に稚魚や小型の巻貝を食している.体色は,一様に黒色のものから,暗灰色の地色に黒色の横縞数条を持つているものまで見られた.産卵期においても,外形や色彩によつて雌雄を識別することは困難である.筆者は昭和29年8~9月に,長崎県南松浦郡玉之浦町(五島列島の西南端)において,その産卵習性を観察する機会を得たので報告する.
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