Ni_3Al(γ' 相)における Re の占有サイトと Ni-Al-Re 三元系のγ-γ' 相平衡
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Alloying behaviour of (rhenium) Re in Ni-based superalloys was investigated experimentally. Firstly, the site preference, of Re Atoms in Ni_3Al (γ') which is a main strengthening phase in the superalloys, was determined by the ALCHEMI. Secondly, the partitioning ratios of alloying elements between the γ and the γ' phases, and also the phase stability in a Ni-Al-Re ternary system were examined by the EPMA analysis and the microstructural observation as well. As the result, it was shown that Re atoms located preferably in the Al site with about 53∿78% occupation fraction in the Ni_3Al-2mol% Re compound. The trend of the partitioning of Re atoms into the γ' phase decreased with increasing Re in Ni-Al-Re ternary alloys. In addition, the α-phase which is a Re-rich solid solution, precipitated in the Ni-Al-Re ternary alloys containing more than 2mol% Re.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1994-02-01
村田 純教
森永 正彦
宮崎 省吾
森永 正彦
宮崎 省吾
豊橋技術科学大学 大学院
Murata Yoshinori
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
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