SUS304 ステンレス鋼薄板の塑性異方性に及ぼす熱延および冷延条件の影響
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The effects of hot rolling and cold rolling conditions on plastic anisotropy of SUS304 stainless steel sheet have been investigated with respect to earing behavior. The results obtained are as follows : (1) The grain coarsening of the microstructure before cold rolling by the control of hot rolling and annealing temperatures suppressed the formation of main component {112}<111> in the product sheet, and was effective in decreasing the 45° ears. (2) The coarsed grain of hot rolled plate was obtained at the following conditions ; heating pre-hot rolled plate at the higher temperature (≧1100℃), cooling it to relatively lower temperature (900∿970℃) and then starting the finish hot rolling. (3) When the cold rolling temperature was above 40℃, the 45° ears were formed. On the other hand, the 0° and 90° ears were formed in the case of the cold rolling temperatures below 0℃. It was concluded that, the 45° ears were formed by component {112}<111>, while the 0° and 90° ears were formed by components {210}<001> and {110}<001>. (4) The combination of processes of the controlled hot rolling and the cold rolling at lower temperatures, results in the low plastic anisotropy of the product sheet even in the case of the omission of hot rolled plate.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1992-02-01
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