Zn-55%Al めっき鋼板のエッジクリープ現象(腐食)(<特集>表面処理)
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The effects of pretreatments and paint coatings on the edge creep performance of prepainted Galvalume were studied by means of salt spray test and outdoor exposure test. Edge creep progress behavior in salt spray test was different from that in outdoor exposure test. According to the results of outdoor exposure test for up to 10 years, the edge creep of prepainted Galvalume is more appreciable than that of the prepainted galvanized steel sheet in the early stages of exposure. However, the edge creep rate of prepainted Galvalume decreases with the lapse of time while that of prepainted galvanized steel sheet is kept almost constant. As the results, edge creep width becomes larger in galvanized steel sheet than in Galvalume in 7 to 9 years of exposure. Meanwhile in salt spray test, edge creep width of prepainted galvanized steel sheet does not exceed that of prepainted Galvalume up to 1000 h of exposure. Effects of pretreatments and coatings were not clearly noticed except that special primer for Galvalume decreased edge creep width of prepainted Galvalume in salt spray test.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1991-07-01
- 427 シリカ配合塗料の耐食性に及ぼすシリカ粒径と表面処理の影響(有機被覆, 溶融めつき鋼板, 乾式めつき鋼板, 分析・表面処理, 日本鉄鋼協会第 113 回(春季)講演大会)
- 溶接可能塗装鋼板の溶接性, 加工密着性におよぼす塗膜中の添加金属粉末の種類と含有量の影響
- 討 15 亜鉛系合金めっき鋼板の防食機構に関する一考察(III 亜鉛系めっき鋼板およびその製造法, 第 103 回講演大会討論会講演概要)
- 加工性, 耐食性のすぐれた溶接可能塗装鋼板の開発
- 431 有機複合めっき鋼板の開発 2 : めっき厚, 塗膜厚の効果(自動車用表面処理鋼板・電気亜鉛めつき・溶融めつき・冷延板表面特性, 加工, 日本鉄鋼協会第 104 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 討 17 Zn-Ni 系合金電気めっき鋼板の開発と実用化(III 亜鉛系めっき鋼板およびその製造法, 第 103 回講演大会討論会講演概要)
- 亜鉛系めつき鋼板と有機被覆系鋼板の耐食性比較
- Zn-55%Al めっき鋼板のエッジクリープ現象(腐食)(表面処理)
- 430 有機複合めっき鋼板 : 自動車用防錆塗装鋼板の開発 1(自動車用表面処理鋼板・電気亜鉛めつき・溶融めつき・冷延板表面特性, 加工, 日本鉄鋼協会第 104 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 国際会議の紹介 : NCCA(表面処理)