ナトリウムおよびカリウムの炭酸塩-ハロゲン化物による溶融 18%Cr-4%C-Fe 合金の脱りん
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Molten 18%Cr-4%C-Fe alloy whose composition is close to the ternary eutectic one (m.p.=1150℃) was subjected to the treatment by alkali metal carbonate-halide fluxes at a temperature of 1300℃. Thermodynamically phosphates of potassium and sodium are very stable and their halides are expected to increase activity coefficient of chromium in the fluxes. From those considerations, various mixtures of carbonates and halides of sodium, potassium and calcium were examined for dephosphorization of molten high chromium alloy containing 0.1% phosphorus of 300g in weight. Higher dephosphorization was obtained with potassium carbonate than with sodium carbonate, and the best dephosphorization degree was 60% without appreciable chromium oxidation when 15g of potassium carbonate-potassium chloride or-potassium fluoride mixture was used.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1982-04-01
- Fe-Si 合金利用による転炉スラグの鉄およびりんの個別回収
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- PS-6 Fe-Si 合金による転炉滓の脱リンおよび鉄の回収(製錬 I, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 95 回(春季)講演大会)
- 低リンステンレス鋼のための Fe-Cr-Si 合金の脱リン
- 104 低燐ステンレス鋼のためのシリコン・クロム合金の脱燐(特殊精錬・凝固・造塊, 製鋼, 日本鉄鋼協会第 93 回(春季)講演大会)
- 含クロム炭素飽和溶鉄の脱りんに関連した CaO-CaF_2 系フラックス中 CaO・Cr_2O_3 の溶解度
- 鉄鋼スラグの性質と再利用
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- Mn_tO-CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 融体中マンガンの酸化還元平衡
- 151 MnO_x-CaO-SiO_2 (-Al_2O_3) 融体中マンガンの酸化還元平衡(熱力学・物性, 製銑・製鋼共通, 日本鉄鋼協会第 110 回講演大会)