- 論文の詳細を見る
We have measured the Mossbauer effect of ^<57>Fe in iron-carbon martensite and its change after tempering. The resonant absorption spectrum in martensite was resolved into several components arising from iron atoms, which are the 1st, 2nd, 3, 4th neighbors to the carbon atoms and remnant iron atoms. A carbon atom causes localized changes of electronic states of the surrounding iron atoms, especially affecting the 1st nearest neighboring iron atoms. The internal magnetic field at nuclei of the 1st neighbors is 265 KOe, which is far less than 330 KOe of pure iron. Variation of the isomer shift and appearance of a large positive quadrupole effect were also observed. It is suggested from the Mossbauer measurement that the bonding between the carbon atoms and the 1st neighboring iron atoms in martensite may be accompanied, possibly, by the covalent admixture of wave functions. Internal magnetic fields and isomer shifts of the 2nd and 3, 4th neighbors also deviate slightly from those of pure iron, but the sign of the deviation is opposite to those of the 1st neighbors. Their quadrupole effects were nearly zero, which means that the positive charge of the carbon ion is almost screened out within a distance of the order of 2Å by the additional electron clouds. The localized nature of the effect of the carbon atom permits a parallel discussion between the ironcarbon martensite and the α-solid solution. From the changes of the Mossbauer spectrum after tempering of martensite, we have concluded that the bonding between the carbon atoms and the iron atoms in the coherent ε-carbide formed at the stage I is essentially the same as the bonding in the martensite or the α-solid solution. We have also evidence that the χ-carbide is formed at the stage III a of tempering, the formation of which has not been fully proved in the previous x-ray or magnetic measurements. The mean internal magnetic fields after the heat treatments change from 194 KOe due to mainly χ-carbide (at 220℃) to 208 KOe due to cementite (at 520℃). The reduction of the internal field of the 1st neighboring iron atom in various Fe-C systems, irrespective of their crystal structure such as the solid solution, the ε-phase, the χ-phase, the θ-phase (cementite), is roughly proportional to the number of their nearest neighboring carbon atoms. Decreases in the internal field of an iron atom per carbon atom are about 60 KOe. These localized and additive behaviors suggest that the bonding nature between the carbon atoms and the neighboring iron atoms in the above structures can be understood on a common ground.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1968-01-01
- 1p-UA-6 Al-Mn準結晶 I. : 構造
- 液体急冷Dy-Fe合金の構造と磁性
- アモルファスFe-Te合金薄膜の研究(合金の相変態とその前駆現象,科研費研究会報告)
- 4p-Q-5 アモルファスTe-Fe合金薄膜のメスバウアー分光
- 30p-T-10 アモルファスPd-Au-Si合金の^Auメスバウアー効果
- 1p-BE-1 非晶質La-Auにおける^Auのメスバウアー効果
- 7p-D-11 La-Au,Ag,Fe系侵入型固溶体及び非晶質相の超伝導遷移温度
- BCC結晶格子中の侵入型不純物原子の規則配列構造
- 6p-D-10 体心立方格子中における侵入型固溶原子の規則構造
- 5p-N-13 鉄の低温蒸着膜のメスバウアー効果
- 7p-E-5 加工した純鉄のメスバウァー効果
- 7p-E-4 鉄炭素マルテンサイト低温新相
- 3p-E-2 Fe_3Al規則相の電子顕微鏡観察
- 鉄アルミニウム合金の規則化過程の研究 : 金属
- Cr_2O_3-Fe_2O-3系の磁気構造 : 磁性(酸化物)
- Fe-Cr, Fe-Vσ相のメスバウアー効果 : 磁性(金属・合金)
- メスバウアー効果を用いた鉄炭素マルテンサイトおよびその焼戻過程の研究
- 14a-L-6 メスバウアー効果による鉄アルミニウム合金の規則化過程の研究
- 14a-F-6 鉄炭素及び鉄窒素合金のメスバウアー効果
- 6p-K-3 鉄炭素マルテンサイトの焼戻における相変態
- 6p-K-2 鉄炭素マルテンサイトのメスバウアー効果
- 討 17 メスバウアー効果によるマルテンサイトとその焼戻しの研究(V 鉄鋼の格子欠陥, 討論会)
- 鉄アルミ合金の規則化過程とMossbauer効果 : 金属
- 3a-H-19 アモルファスFe-Nd合金の構造と磁性
- 4p-Q-13 稀土類元素を含むFe-Bアモルファス合金の結晶化と微細構造
- 30a-O-6 (Fe, Co)_Nd_2B永久磁石合金のメスバウアー分光
- 2p-E-4 メスバウアー効果による格子欠陥の研究
- 1a-D-6 La其非晶質合金の形成範囲と物性
- 3a-AC-1 非晶質合金におけるメスバウアー無反跳分率
- 3p-CE-5 高速急冷したLa-Fe合金中のFe原子位置
- 7a-M-3 鉄系非晶質合金のメスバウアー効果
- G. K. Wertheim, A. Hausman and W. Sander: The Electronic Structure of Point Defects, as Determined by Mossbauer Spectroscopy and by Spin Resonance, North-Holland, Amsterdam and London, 1971, 222 ページ, 23×16.5cm, 7,800円 (Series Defects in Crystalline Solids
- 27a-F-3 Al合金準結晶の電気的性質
- 242 3% 珪素鋼単結晶の歪硬化におよぼす析出炭化物の影響(熱処理・その他, 加工・性質・分析, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 81 回(春季)講演大会)
- 14p-G-12 低温蒸着膜の回復と電子線回折
- Al-Mn-Fe,Al-Si-Mn-Fe準結晶のメスバウアー分光(クエイサイクリスタルの構造と物性,科研費研究会報告)
- 1p-UA-7 Al-Mn準結晶 II. : 物性
- 27p-F-1 液体の結晶化とアモルファス化
- 焼結による緻密化現象の理論的考察 : (高圧焼結を中心として)
- 鉄鋼の組織研究とメスバウア効果
- タイトル無し
- 30a-LE-11 高圧下における単結晶黒リンの音速測定(半導体)
- 29p-PS-14 AlMnFe準結晶のMossbauer効果(磁性ポスターセッション)
- 28p-K-9 Al合金準結晶の電気的性質II.(金属)
- 31p-CO-6 非晶質Fe-Nd-B系合金の磁場中結晶化など(磁性(永久磁石))
- 29p-PS-18 Fe-Nd系アモルファス合金の磁性(磁性ポスターセッション)
- 29p-PS-1 アモルファスFeB合金(B濃度10〜35 at %)の磁性(磁性(薄膜,アモルファス))
- 1p-A1-8 Co-Sb人工格子の構造(1p A1 金属)
- 1a-A1-6 Fe-Te合金薄膜の非晶質形成領域(1a A1 金属)