Ni-Cr-B 合金ろう材めっきステンレス鋼板のろう付け性におよぼす拡散障壁中間層の効果
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An aluminum oxide (Al oxide) intermediate layer was applied as an diffusion barrier to the brazing of a stainless steel using a filler of evaporated nickel-chromium-boron alloy (Ni-Cr-B) film. When the diffusion barrier was not applied, the tensile strength of the brazed joint of a Ni-Cr-B filler coated steel was increased as the filler thickness increased from 7μm to 10μm. On the other hand, a Ni-Cr-B filler of less than 7μm thickness was almost ineffective in increasing the tensile strength of joints without the diffusion barrier. It is presumed that Ni and B in the filler metal diffused into the substrate during the thermal cycle for brazing, and this raised the liquidus temperature of the filler metal to a temperature above the brazing temperature. An intermediate layer of Al oxide was effective in reducing the diffusion of Ni and B in the filler into the substrate. Hence it increased the tensile strength of the brazed joint. The brazed joint of the steel plated with Ni-Cr-B/Al oxide double layers showed sufficient tensile strength when used in an automobile metal honeycomb catalyser.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1997-03-01
樺澤 真事
豊田 哲郎
田村 学
兵藤 知明
木部 洋
小崎 純一
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