鉄基 3 元系合金における溶質元素の固液間平衡分配に及ぼす溶質間相互作用の影響
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In order to describe the effects of solute-interactions on the equilibrium distributions of solute elements between solid and liquid phases in iron base ternary system, Distribution Interaction Coefficient (DIC), k^j_i, was defined in this work. The coefficient k^j_i is shown as the ratio of the equilibrium distribution coefficient of solute i in Fe-i-j ternary system to that in Fe-i binary one and this is considered to be the parameter indicating the change of the equilibrium distribution coefficient of solute i with the addition of the alloying element j. The influences of solute-interaction on the equilibrium distributions of some solutes in Fe-C, Fe-N, Fe-H, Fe-P and Fe-S base ternary systems could be discussed by the use of the coefficient DIC.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1984-09-01
- 底吹き溶鉄浴内の気泡特性の連続測定
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- 底吹き円筒浴内の輸送現象に及ぼす気泡噴流の旋回の影響
- 融体精錬の基礎と応用(第 108 回講演大会討論会報告)
- II. 融体精錬の基礎と応用(第 108 回講演大会討論会報告)
- 気泡噴流中における固-液間物質移動のコールドモデル実験
- 高粘度の液体中を上昇する気泡群の動的挙動に関するコールドモデル実験
- 底吹き円筒容器内水-空気系気泡噴流の浮力領域における気泡特性
- 277 溶融 Fe-X(Ni, Si, Cr) 系合金および Fe-_C-X 系合金の粘度(溶鋼処理(II)・物性, 製鋼, 日本鉄鋼協会第 104 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 171 溶融純鉄の粘性測定(物性・造塊, 製鋼, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 100 回(秋季)講演大会)