純鉄多結晶体の下部降伏応力と流れ応力とにおよぼすひずみ速度, 温度と結晶粒径の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
The lower yield and flow stresses of polycrystalline pure iron specimens with a wide range of grain sizes from 10.3 μ to 102 μ were measured by tensile test at the temperatures between 77°K and 473°K at the strain rates from 10^<-7> sec^<-1> to 1 sec^<-1>. The observed stress was decomposed into a friction part (σ_i) and grain size depending part (k・D^<-1/2>) in the Hall-Petch relation and they were discussed separately. It was found that the lower yield stress did not satisfy the Hall-Petch relation at each temperature and strain rate investigated. The lower yield stress of coarse grained specimens below D^<-1/2>≒7 mm^<-1/2> showed a usual grain size dependence, but that of fine grained specimens showed a dependence about 3 times as large as the former. The thermal component of lower yield stress of the specimen with abnormal grain size dependence had larger temperature and strain rate dependences than that of the specimen with normal dependence. The relation between the activation energy or activation volume for low temperature deformation and thermal shear stress was not affected by the grain size. Therefore it was concluded that the lower yield stresses of both fine and coarse grained specimens were controlled by the same thermally activated rate process (the Peierls-Nabarro mechanism). The strain rate dependence of the lower yield stress of pure iron was continuous in a very wide range of strain rate. The relation between the thermal component of lower yield stress (σ_i^*) and strain rate (〓^^.) was well approximated by the equation, σ_i^<*1/2>=γ′_4 log ε^.+C′_4 at all the temperatures tested. (γ′_4 and C′_4 are constants which depend on temperature).
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1972-09-01
- 170 ねじり変形による数種の金属の定常状態変形に関する研究(転炉・熱間加工, 製鋼・加工, 日本鉄鋼協会第 77 回(春季)講演大会講演)
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- 186 軟鋼の高ひずみ変形抵抗の温度依存性および加工軟化現象について(性質・加工, 加工・性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 72 回(秋季)講演大会講演論文集 (II))
- 133 断続衝撃ねじり試験による 13 Cr 鋼の熱間加工性の研究(加工・熱処理, 日本鉄鋼協会第 69 回春季講演大会講演論文集 (II))
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