3% 珪素鉄単結晶の圧延組織と再結晶組織の形成 : 第 1 部冷間圧延組織
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Systematic studies were carried out on the formation of rolled textures in 3% Si-Fe single crystals with a number of preselected orientations. The rolled textures were determined by the X-ray pole figure method at successive stages of rolling, and the operating slip systems were determined by observation of slip bands on the rolling, side and front surfaces. Among all the crystals used, those in {100}<011>, {111}<211> and {112}<110> orientations maintained their initial orientation almost unchanged during rolling, while the others changed their orientation towards any one or two of the three with increasing reduction by rolling. To describe the results comprehensively, the crystals were classified into three, i.e., the first series consists of those crystals with a common {100} plane parallel to the rolling plane, the second series with a common <011> direction parallel to the transverse direction and the third series with a common <011> direction parallel to the rolling direction. In the first series, the crystals rotated around the normal of the rolling plane {001} towards the {001}<110> orientation with increasing reduction. In the second series, the crystals oriented between {011}<100> and {211}<111> rotated around the transverse <011> direction towards {111}<211> and those between {211}<111> and {100}<011> rotated towards {100}<011>. While, all the crystals of the third series maintained their inital orientations almost unchanged during rolling. The way by which the crystals change their orientations with reduction was semiquantitatively explained by geometrical considerations of the actually operating slip systems having large Schmid factors for compression and tension, taking account of change of their factors with rotation of the crystal. According to the geometrical calculation, the {211}<011> orientation has been proved to be unconditionally stable for rolling, while the {100}<011> and {111}<211> orientations can not be stable unless some restrictions are imposed on the operation of slip systems.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1968-02-01
- シンクロトロン放射光を用いた X 線 CT による金属基複合材料の内部繊維観察
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- 244 珪素鉄単結晶, 冷延時潤滑条件による表面集合組織の変化(再結晶集合組織・討論会, 性質・分析, 日本鉄鋼協会第 93 回(春季)講演大会)
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- 低炭素低合金鋼のベイナイト変態における超塑性挙動
- Recrystallization'90 報告
- チタン系金属間化合物 : 結晶構造と機械的性質をどう理解するか
- BAIN の関係による変態集合組織の解析
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- その場再結晶 : 背景と問題点(変形組織と再結晶/結晶粒界)(再結晶・粒成長)
- IV 粒界・再結晶(第 107 回講演大会討論会報告)
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- 510 BAIN の関係による変態集合組織の解析(再結晶・集合組織, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 103 回(春季)講演大会)
- 509 Fe-Ni-Si 合金の温間加工 2 相組織(熱処理・測定法, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 102 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 3% 珪素鉄単結晶の圧延組織と再結晶組織の形成 : 第 2 部再結晶組織
- 3% 珪素鉄単結晶の圧延組織と再結晶組織の形成 : 第 1 部冷間圧延組織
- 3p-L-6 Fe-Si合金の再結晶初期段階の電顕観察
- 討 20 鉄合金の辷り系と降伏応力の結晶方位依存性(V. 鉄鋼の格子欠陥, 討論会)
- 4.4%珪素鉄単結晶の辷り変形機構 : 格子欠陥・結晶塑性
- 鉄,鉄合金単結晶の辷り変形 : 格子欠陥
- 11p-Q-4 Fe-2%V単結晶における辷りの臨界剪断応力
- 4.5%珪素鉄に於ける辷り系と降伏応力の方位依存性 : 結晶塑性
- BCC金属の辷り系
- 圧延された珪泰単結晶の蓄積エネルギーの放出 : 格子欠陥
- 珪素鉄単結晶の引張り変形III(格子欠陥)
- 珪素鉄單結晶の引張り変形 II : 格子欠陥
- 6p-B-9 珪素鉄單結晶の引張り変形
- 12a-C-2 鉄系合金の再結晶 第二報 單結晶の再結晶組織
- 鉄合金の再結晶 : 第一報 再結晶の圧延組織 : 結晶塑性
- 超高真空における電子ビーム蒸着 : 表面物理, 薄膜
- L. Himmel (Editor): Recovery and Recrystallization of Metals, Interscience Publishers, New York, London, 1963, 389頁, 16×24cm, 8000円.
- 8a-K-1 体心立方格子金属の辷り面について
- 塑性
- 電子顕微鏡による格子欠陥の性質の決定
- 3% 珪素鋼板における優先方位再結晶粒の成因