低質コークス使用によるキュポラ操業法に關する研究 (II)
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In the present report, the relation of the charge coke ratio and the blast volume in cupola operation by low grade coke were discussed. The "Rate of Excess Air" Ew has been defined as EW=WR-WT/WT×100(%) where WR is the real blast volume used on the practical operation, and WT is the theoretical blast volume for the complete combustion of charge coke. Data explained in the first report was used. Results obtained were summarized as follows. (1) The temperature of molten metal is rised with increasing of charge coke ratio in constant EW and is rised with increasing of EW in the constant charge coke ratio. (2) The melting velocity shows maximum at the certain point with increasing of charge coke ratio in constant EW, but increases with increasing of EW in the constant charge coke ratio.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1948-10-25
- 第 49 回講演大會工場見学記
- クリープ試験方法規格原案 : 長時間クリープ試験法規格案(疲れおよびクリープ特集)
- 強じん鋳鉄について
- 客貨車平軸受用合金の軸受性能(潤滑油および潤滑特集)
- 鑄鐵のガス分析に就て
- 114 鑄鐵のガス分析について(日本鐵鋼協會第 45 回講演大會講演大要)
- 断熱材料
- 鑄物設計標準案(その1) : 金屬加工部門委員會第2回中間報告
- 電気爐による鑄鐵熔解法に關する研究
- 低質コークス使用によるキュポラ操業法に關する研究 IV