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戦後,農山村の林家などによって造林された人工林は間もなく主伐期を迎えようとしているが,これをどのような形で伐採,搬出して市場に出すかが大きな問題になっている.本研究は,この間題に対する解決策を探るために,わが国の民有林において伐出生産の実質的な担い手である『組』と呼ばれる伐出労働組織を分析し,今後の在り方を検討したものである。そこでまず,戦後造林地域の特徴と伐出生産の展開過程を概観し,伐出生産組織の特徴を明らかにした.次いで,わが国の代表的な民有林業地である日田地方の伐出労働組織(=『組』)を対象として,『組』と伐出資本の展開構造を森林組合の林産事業を通して分析した.その結果(1)『組』は山村農民によって自生的に編成されるが,それに対して伐出技術を賦与するのは伐出資本である.(2)しかし,『組』は絶えず資本から自立する傾向があるし,伐出資本自体も作業過程を標準化できないため,『組』の生産的機能に依存せざるをえない.(3)このような伐出労働力の編成の欝瀦と 膵昆』の自立性の矛盾をいかにして克服するかが伐出生慮を展開するうえでの大きな問題になってくる.(4)日田地方の森林組合は,この矛盾を次のようにして克服している.①民有林の零細,分散的所有を,共同伐採することによって克服し?伐出コストの低減を図っている.②林衆からの林産受託澄を増加させる努力を行い,『組』に対して絶え間ない仕事を提供できるようにしている.③こうしたなかで,『組』が持っていた「仕事探し→作業の段取り中生産方法の決定」という紬軌 執行機能は組合が翠擬し,伐出現場の作業条件に最適の『組』を充てることによって,伐出生魔性を高めた.④しかし,作業過程を標準化できないため,労働過程の管理は『組』に依存せぎるをえず,生魔物の管理によって間接的に統括しているのが現状である.以上の検討から,戦後の造林地域においては,森林組合が伐出労働組織である『組』を取り込むことによって伐出生慮を組織化することが望ましいが,その場合,総合展である小規模林家が伐採販売の共同化に協力して地域のレベルで恒常的に仕事が確保される必要があり,そのためには地域的森林計画の樹立と地域林業の中核体として位置づけられる森林組合の林産事凝への取組みの強化が必要である.The forest planted after World war Ⅱ have finally matured enough to be cut at present. In order to develop logging production in regions where these forests exists, it is necessary to train logging workers so they can work more efficiently. One of the pressing problems existing at the moment is how can the forest owners be maintained at the same time. In this paper, I have focussed my analysis on "KUMI", the labor organization in charge of the logging activities in the Hita district in Oita Prefecture to determine the most efficient way of carrying out logging activities in the area. The Hita district is a typical private Japanese forest, and the logging system there has been mainly supported by members of "KUMI" who have been engaged in independent farmring and forest management. The following points were specially observed and analyzed : (1) special features of the forests planted after World War Ⅱ, (2) labor organization and capital in logging, (3) technical structure of logging production, (4) rise and fall of sawmill capital and the Forest Owner's Association as logging capital, (5) labor organization formed by the Forest Owner's Association (referred to as "ROMUHAN") and its function. The results are as follows : (1) There are many small forest owners of Japanese private forests who are playing an important role in the postwar plantation and cultivation of forests in Japan. Consequently, there are numerous small-scale plantations dispersed throughout Japan. As there are many other small forest owners who only cut the grass and made charcoal prior to World War Ⅱ, few have any experience or technique for efficient logging. Although these forest owners gave up management of their agricultural and forest properties during the ultra-rapid economic growth starting from the 1960s, they have retained ownership of these types of property. (2) The small forest owners do not presently support the existing logging method due to the technical characteristics, so cutting must be taken care of by some existing technical labor organizations. (3) Labor logging organization set up the system for getting logs from these forest owner unit about 1960 However, from the 1960s, auctions began to appear, so sawmills stopped buying standing trees because they could easily get logs at these auctions. (4) Under these circumstances, "KUMI" was forced to either become indepcndent or to find other employers. At the same time, the forest owners had to find new buyers. Forest Owner's cooperative logging activities have played an important role in private forestry : the question was how could the Forest Owner's Association employ "KUMI" because "KUMI" was an independent organization. So I analyzed the logging labor organization, the "KUMI" in Hita district. An outline of it is given below. (1) The Forest Owner's Association negotiates with private forest owrlers and gets perfectly all right trees so they can provide jobs constantly for "KUMI". (2) The Forest Owner's Association assigns the most suitable "KUMI" member to each cutting area and makes an effort to cut costs in logging by joint collective cutting of the trees. As a result, forest owners can make more profit from the sale of their trees. From the facts described above, I have made the follwing conclusions : (1) In regions planted after World War Ⅱ, it is necessary to employ "KUMI", and it is desirable to allocate a portion of the functioilal work to each : planning and management to the Forest Owner's Association, and production control to "KUMI". Still more forest owners must cooperate with joint collective cutting and selling. (2) Under the present circumstances, some functions which had belonged to "KUMI", namely the planning and practice of logging production, were absorbed by the Forest Owner's Association. (3) And yet, "KUMI" has control of the logging methods, so it must continue as an organization. Unfortunately, the number of those with experience in this area is decreasing, causing a serious problem needing a solution.1.序論 1.1.研究の目的 1.2.研究の方法 1.2.1.伐出生産過程の分析に関する研究 1.2.2.伐出労働組織に関する研究 2.わが国の民有林の特質と伐出業 2.1.森林資源構成の特徴 2.1.1.森林資源の分布 2.1.2.山林の保有構造と経営構造 2.2.伐出業の展開構造 2.2.1.伐出生産規模 2.2.2.経営形態及び兼業の状況 2.2.3.経営と請負 2.2.4.森林組合林産事業の展開 2.3.小括―森林資源の零細,分散性と小規模伐出業- 3.伐出技術と伐出労働 3.1.伐出技術の展開構造 3.1.1.戦前段階 3.1.2.戦後段階 3.2.伐出労働の現状 3.2.1.伐出労働者数の変化 3.2.2.雇用関係の変化と就労状況 3.2.3.伐出労働者の労働条件の変化 3.2.4.伐出労働者の析出基盤 3.3.小括―既存の労働組織の利用と悪化する伐出労働条件― 4.森林組合林産事業の成立と展開 4.1.伐出資本としての製材資本と労働組織の展開 4.1.1.生成期 4.1.2.確立,展開期 4.1.3.撤退期 4.2.森林組合による伐出生産と労働組織の展開 4.2.1.森林組合林産事業の定着期 4.2.2.森林組合林産事業の拡大,発展期 4.3.小括―一大伐出資本として君臨する森林組合― 5.森林組合による労務班の組織化とその運用 5.1.伐出労務班(=『組』)の組織化年以前年以降 5.2.森林組合の林産事業の実行形態と伐出労務班(=『組』)の運用 5.2.1.林産事業の実行形態 5.2.2.労務管理の現状 5.3.小括―森林組合の経営管理機能と『組』の生産管理機能の分化― 6.伐出労務班(=『組』)の生産的機能と再生産構造 6.1.調査の方法と調査事項 6.2.伐出労務班(=『組』)の再生産構造 6.2.1.伐出労務班(=『組』)の編成の契機 6.2.2.新規労務班員の確保と技術の修得方法 6.2.3.伐出労務班(=『組』) 員の析出基盤 6.3.伐出労務班(=『組』)の生産的機能 6.3.1.作業管理 6.3.2.貸金管理 6.3.3.班長の機能の変化 6.4.小括―伐出労務班(=『組』)の自立性― 7.結言 謝辞 引用及び参考文献 Summary
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